The Ever-Changing Post

HuffPost Pollster
Average Poll Results as of October 23, 2016
Clinton (47.9%) vs. Trump (40.6%)

Wikipedia: Statewide Opinion Polling for the United States Presidential Election, 2016 

All The Polls That Show Trump Losing, Now In One Convenient Location

2016 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton


2016 Presidential Election Polls

Road to 270: 2016 Electoral Map (Interactive)

The 270 Project: Try To Predict Who Will Win The Election



Get Your Facts Right – Fact Checking Websites That Help You Know The Truth

Fact Check

Fact Checker

Politi Fact

Open Secrets


Truth or Fiction

Hoax Slayer

Google Search: Fact Checker Websites


NPR’s real-time fact-checking drew millions of readers

Fact Check: Trump And Clinton Debate For The First Time

Fact-checking: does anyone even care?


The New Yorker Endorses Hillary Clinton
The election of Hillary Clinton is an event that we would welcome for its historical importance, and greet with indescribable relief.

David Plouffe, who managed the Obama campaign in 2008, has called the Trump candidacy a “black-swan event”—irrational, but unique to Trump. It is unlikely, Plouffe says, that anyone will soon come along with the same capacity to overstep the traditional institutions of party, media, and big money, and tweet his way to the nomination of a major party. Yet this ignores the nativist backlash that has gripped other parts of the world. It ignores, too, the reckoning that is due in the party that nominated him, with Ted Cruz as the more primly demagogic also-ran. (Cruz also talks about patrolling Muslim neighborhoods and about Clinton’s criminality.)

Not even a sound defeat is likely to cause Trump to recede from view. Now, as he trails in the polls and declares the election “rigged,” thanks to a collusion of the media, political élites, and inner-city “communities,” he seems to be preparing the ground for an unlovely and prolonged assault on a Clinton Presidency. Even some Republican leaders who have withdrawn their support for him have adopted his maximalism. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has said that Clinton wants to strip away all color and joy from the lives of Americans. Senator John McCain has sworn that he will work in the Senate to block any Supreme Court nominations that a President Clinton might make. Neither has come to terms with the ways in which his party’s rhetoric and tactics have enabled Trump’s rise. If anything, their hope seems to be that the swell of passions he has brought together will not dissipate but propel their own ambitions.

To witness Trump’s behavior these past weeks has been to watch a man preparing the outlines of his own martyrdom. It is unclear how he will go on making his political mark. Will he run for office again? Will he fan the calls for “revolution” among his most outraged supporters? Will he build a new alt-right media platform? Or will he retreat to the Elba of Mar-a-Lago? There is no predicting the actions of a man who prides himself on his unpredictability. But, beyond Trump, there is Trumpism: a profound hostility toward political professionalism; a strong antipathy toward technocratic élites; a disenchantment with liberal values. Whether it gathers behind a Ted Cruz, or a Ben Carson, or some candidate yet unsummoned, it indicates a seam of disaffection that any successful Administration must address.

Clinton may lack Obama’s capacity for eloquence. Her task as President is, nonetheless, to find a way to communicate and connect with the public. Inspiration and persuasion are part of the job, in the office as well as on the campaign trail. She must reach the most alienated and angered members of the American electorate. Obama inherited a financial crisis when he took office. The civil crisis that Clinton will inherit is less sharply defined, but her political legacy will depend upon her ability to alleviate it.

Another legacy of hers will be assured. The election of a woman to the Presidency will have myriad reverberations in the life and the institutions of this country. President Obama’s election certainly did not end the saga of racial conflict and prejudice in the United States, but as a distinct step forward it opened up the world to countless young people. Similarly, electing a female President means imagining new possibilities: that a woman might survive that gantlet of derision to hold power with confidence, without apology, to enlarge our notions of authority and hasten an age when a female President will no longer be exceptional. Just as President Obama was able at certain moments of glaring injustice and crisis to focus the country on matters of race in a potentially lasting way, Hillary Clinton, who has emphasized in her campaign and throughout her political life such issues as early-childhood education, paid family leave, and equal pay, could also change the nation in deeply consequential ways. That’s a thrilling possibility for all Americans.


Karl Rove is throwing in the towel.

In an appearance on “Fox News Sunday,” the Republican strategist said that Donald Trump’s poll numbers are simply too dismal to end in victory on election night.

“I don’t see it happening,” Rove told Fox. “If he plays an inside straight, he could get it, but I doubt he’s going to be able to play it.”

Rove explained Trump’s electoral vote deficit, swing state by swing state. Mitt Romney only won 206 electoral votes in 2012, and according to Rove’s judgment, Trump can only feel comfortable about 168, with just over two weeks to go before the Nov. 8 election.

Trump, Rove said, is barely eking out a polling lead in Ohio and Iowa, which Obama won in 2012. But he is also behind in North Carolina and Arizona, states that Romney won. And his deficit in other electoral vote-rich states like Florida is so severe that he is unlikely to pull ahead.

“I doubt that in the just over two weeks we’ve got left, conducting the kind of campaign he’s conducting, that he’s going to be able to swing 1 out of every, you know, 10 voters, 1 out of every 12 voters, 1 out of every 15 voters and 1 out of every 6 voters in a state and convert them,” Rove said.

Rove is not a man who gives up easily. In 2012, he had an on-air meltdown over whether Romney had won or lost Ohio, insisting in vain that the Republican nominee still had a chance to win the election. Romney lost.


If you're jonesing to show leadership, the hot thing to be is "emotionally intelligent." What does that mean exactly? EI, or EQ as it's sometimes called, is a measure of an individual's responsiveness, empathy, ability to listen, and their self-awareness. Those who exhibit heightened emotional intelligence excel at their jobs and stand out to employers. Recruiters say they're now looking for this ability morewhen evaluating potential hires.

HireVue, for example, offers digital video analytics both to help companies analyze job candidates—looking at how they present themselves on video—as well as coach teams to be more authoritative when presenting through its AI-driven platform.

It's easy to understand how evaluating emotional intelligence could lend itself to the presidential debates. What are these televised events, if not high-stakes job interviews? So Fast Company got an exclusive look at how Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump stacked up when analyzed by HireVue's platform.

Trump versus Clinton across all three debates. Here we see the range of emotions both candidates showed during all three debates. Clinton seemed to dominate the top-right area, which represented both "joy" and facial expressions like smiles and smirks. Conversely, Trump had a stronghold on the "sadness," "disgust," and "fear" quadrants, along with both "negative sentiment" and "negative valence."


Donald Trump's campaign manager admits: 'We are behind'

Conway touts Trump's 'drain the swamp' message, admits 'we are behind'

Trump campaign says it's "behind," as new poll shows him down double digits

Trump adviser acknowledges: 'We are behind'

Donald Trump's campaign manager denies her tweets are cries for help


Strategists debate: Does Donald Trump still have a shot?


Hillary Clinton Presses Her Advantage Over a Struggling Donald Trump


Making Peace with Trump’s Legion

There was a rhythm to these references, and, in the course of the forty-odd-minute speech, they served a purpose. Most of the time, Trump ranted about Clinton or Obama, and the crowd responded in set ways. They booed any reference to Obamacare; the e-mail scandal prompted chants of “Lock her up! Lock her up!” People seemed to enjoy venting, but these targets were distant and somewhat abstract, and I sensed that the routine would have become boring without the more immediate presence of the media. We were available at a lower level of abstraction: all of us were right there, with faces and expressions clearly visible, but, once the rally began, the barrier meant that we weren’t quite close enough to touch or talk to. And Trump worked the rhythm brilliantly: he made a media reference every few minutes, pausing to give the crowd time to react. Eventually, people started leaning over the barrier to shout, “Crooked press! Crooked press!,” and at one point a man on crutches became so frenzied that he tried to squeeze through a gap. He banged his crutches against the metal, shouting angrily; finally, a policeman escorted him away. After the rally was finished, a nice-looking blond woman made her way down the fence, shouting, “Journalism is dead! Journalism is dead!” But, when I stepped forward and asked her to explain what she meant, she immediately calmed down, and we had a pleasant conversation.

This reminded me somewhat of public events in Egypt during the difficult years after the revolution began on Tahrir Square, in 2011. At Islamist rallies, I had seen effective speakers who shifted between targets that were distant and targets that were nearby, working the audience into a frenzy. And I had always been struck by how, even in the most tense situations, with the most violent rhetoric floating around, it was still surprisingly easy to talk to people on a personal level. It took no time at all for most individuals to snap out of the trance. I had seen young men scream anti-American slogans with a look of absolute fury on their faces, and then it was as if somebody threw a switch: they showed no negative reaction to my identification card, which listed my nationality, and they politely answered my questions. In this respect, I was sensitive to the way that Trump supporters were offended by Clinton’s description of them as “deplorables.” There were certainly some hardened racists and sexists within the crowd, but they probably represented a small minority, and most people behaved with remarkable decency. Their anger didn’t precipitate until the great man stood in the front, coaching them on.

And eventually his conspiracy theories will probably serve another purpose. In Egypt, as the revolution collapsed, and the dreams of Tahrir faded away, the talk of international plots became darker and more frequent. It was a way of coping with frustration and lack of control, but it was also a way of disengaging. As the veteran had told me on the college campus, a real revolution requires commitment—if you’re determined to overthrow Mubarak, then you have to stay on the square and fight his minions until it’s finished. But there’s no way to fight the vast international conspiracies of the Jews, the Turks, and the Americans. In the same way, when Trump talks about how the election is fixed, and how the State Department covers up scandals, and how the media spreads lies, he’s not necessarily preparing his followers for resistance or violence after November 8th. He’s showing them how to give up without giving in.


Forget This “Hillary Is Unlikable” Stuff. Hillary Is Downright Inspiring.

Put yourself in Hillary’s shoes for a moment. You’re 68 years old. You have spent decades—decades—in the public eye, absorbing criticism from every possible angle. Your opponent is an impulsive, amoral ignoramus with a long history of humiliating women. He has made it his strategy during this debate to dredge up what are probably the darkest moments of your personal life—your husband’s affairs and alleged sexual assaults—as evidence of your failures as a wife and as a woman. He has brought three of these women to sit in the front row during the debate in an attempt to throw you off guard and cow you into submission. He literally tells you to your face that he will imprison you if he wins the election.

What would you do? If I were Hillary, I would blubber incomprehensibly through my rage-tears for the duration of the debate, if I lasted onstage that long. What did Hillary do? She stood tall and looked comfortable. She listened carefully to the voters who were asking her questions and offered them empathetic, intelligent, and articulate answers. She serenely and thoughtfully enumerated the character faults that make Trump unfit for office. She laughed it off when Trump insulted her in the most personal of terms. And at the end, she complimented him on his children. Never mind that his children don’t really deserve that compliment—Hillary responded to undeniably sexist personal attacks that are unprecedented in the history of modern American politics with an inspiring level of grace and poise.

I am not saying Hillary deserves credit just for showing up and getting the job done. I am saying she deserves credit for showing up and getting the job done while a psychopath invaded her personal space, lied repeatedly, attempted to degrade her in the basest and vilest terms, and threatened to jail her for the crime of being a successful woman in the public eye. Nor am I saying that we all ought to live up to Hillary’s example: Crying and despairing are a completely reasonable response to being attacked and denigrated by a sexist pig. Not all of us have the guts and, yes, stamina to endure and overcome what Hillary is enduring and overcoming in this election. But that’s the point: Hillary has displayed superhuman strength in the face of disgusting, unfair, and false attacks on her character and judgment. If that’s not inspiring, I don’t know what is.


Donald Trump is the white boomers' last gasp — believe it or not, the future looks brighter

The presidential election of 2016 has not involved a public policy debate as much as it has chronicled the ongoing struggle of Donald Trump to resemble a sentient and literate human being. As he continues to fail, it becomes increasingly clear that the reality television star, and his group of goblin advisors – Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, Chris Christie, Steve Bannon – represent the last gasp of the white conservative baby boomer.

Throughout the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s, the straight white male boomer’s story enjoyed cultural hegemony. To live as one of these men was to have an all-access VIP laminate around your neck, and a lifetime permission slip in your pocket. You could view and treat women as toys for your personal amusement, denigrate gay men as freaks fit for the circus, and stratify men of other races into a category of inherent inferiority. Life was good for the white male boomer, but suddenly it all started to end. Uppity blacks started to demand liberty and inclusion. “Nasty” women began to assert themselves as equals, and LGBT people demonstrated themselves to be “normal” folks as capable of achievement and decency as anyone else. Each morning the conservative white boomer wakes up realizing that his story matters a little less than it did the day before.

Faced with the erosion of their cultural power, coinciding with their own mortality, conservative white boomers could adjust and adapt to reality, keeping an open mind to new developments, while welcoming the diversification of American institutions, still cognizant of the amazing run of prosperity and influence they enjoyed. Or they could throw a temper tantrum. Most of them, already detached from the real world, opted for the latter.


What is the long-term effect of Donald Trump?

A darker future?

Such frayed nerves reflect a loss of trust and community that predates Trump’s political emergence. In a culture in which characters on reality-TV shows lash out at one another for sport, in a society in which bonds of trust have frayed as relationships become distanced from physical proximity, “neng comes Donald Trump to give us permission to say out loud the things we’ve been saying anonymously online,” said playwright Joshua Harmon, whose short play, “Ivanka: A Medea for Right Now,” will be read at Washington’s Studio Theatre next month as part of a flash festival of Trump-related plays at five D.C. theaters. “He’s closer to how a lot of people are living than Hillary Clinton. A lot of men talk exactly like Trump online; he’s just the first person to do that while running for president.”

In most of popular culture, there’s a long lag between social change and the art that bubbles up from the streets. Playwrights, novelists and songwriters say that when Trump-inspired works begin to appear, they will probably focus on the sense that, as Harmon said, “People are immersed in their own worlds now. We were already being horrible to each other on social media, so we were kind of ripe for someone to come along and further dehumanize us.”

Many new works may be dark or tragic. “This doesn’t feel like something that people will look back and chuckle about,” Harmon said.

Very little in the culture points toward any ‘what was that all about?’ reckoning if Trump loses. More likely, Trumpism will continue to be the agitator that propels the nation’s political machinery.

For many, Trump’s lasting impact is directly tied to his domination of the news media this year. “The depressing and dangerous change that Trump brought is this: The media have surrendered their airtime to him,” said Doug McGrath, a satirist and playwright whose show, “Beautiful,” is running on Broadway. “There seems to be no calculation other than ‘can we get him on and can we keep him on?’ ” Even before Trump came along, cable news had morphed from traditional reporting to “mainly people yelling at each other,” as McGrath put it.

Now, Trump has taken that coarsening of the culture and exacerbated it. “In Trump, we have the candidate himself making jokes about his own penis size, or calling women terrible names,” McGrath said. “He has obliterated the idea that tone matters, . . . that there is such a thing as going too far. For the next person who tries it, it will seem less shocking because this has been accepted by the media who report it in detail (mostly without shock or complaint) and by the rest of us who grumble but keep watching.”


Donald Trump, domestic terrorist: The man who tried to kill democracy — and why we had it coming 

When was this mythical era of supposed normal government, exactly? Before the election of Barack Hussein Obama, an event that hit the bloodstream of the American right like a blend of Dr. Pepper, crystal meth and pure adrenaline? Before 9/11, and the disastrous Bush v. Gore election of 2000? Before the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and all the right-wing conspiracy theories depicting Bill and Hillary Clinton as criminal masterminds (rather than, say, shameless political opportunists)? Before all of the above, in the days when the bluebird sang o’er the lemonade springs on the Big Rock Candy Mountain?

Republicans who pine for the halcyon days of functional government at least have something to look back to: the Reagan era, when a newly empowered and energized American right set about slashing taxes on the rich, dismantling the welfare state and pumping up the Cold War, with the suspiciously eager compliance of a terrified Democratic majority in Congress. If the whole thing was an elaborate fantasy, the long-term consequences were horrendous and the damage may never be undone, you can’t claim that nothing ever got accomplished in Washington.

Democrats can’t even agree which version of the political past to mythologize; they’re all contaminated in one way or another. Bill Clinton’s legacy of financial deregulation, welfare “reform” and right-wing appeasement looks worse all the time, even as he prepares to coast back into the White House as the first First Gentleman of American history, a spindly ghost of his former self. Lyndon Johnson used his political power to force important systemic changes, in the process exposing the racist hypocrisy at the heart of the Democratic coalition that had dominated American politics since Woodrow Wilson, and also led the nation into the most disastrous foreign policy blunder of the 20th century.


Donald Trump just keeps having the Worst Week in Washington

Donald Trump is on some kind of streak. For the third straight week, he just had the Worst Week in Washington. (I didn't say it was a good streak!)

Trump's big fail last week came in the third and final presidential debate, held Wednesday night in Las Vegas. Needing a big moment to change the course of an election that looks increasingly hopeless for him, Trump proved incapable, yet again, of pulling one off. Instead he made two major errors — both of which turned into story lines for the remainder of the week for Hillary Clinton's campaign.

The first was his refusal to say that he would concede the election if he loses, a break with roughly 240 years of peaceful transitions of power in the country. Trump's cavalier “let's just wait and see” attitude on the idea of conceding led every major news website in the country within minutes and was roundly condemned by lots and lots of Republicans.

Then there was Trump's decision to interrupt Clinton to note that she is “such a nasty woman” — an interjection that turned into a rallying cry for women across the country within hours. Trump's limp defense that “no one respects women more than I do,” which came after Clinton hammered him on his history of impolitic comments about women, didn't help matters.

Trump, as he does, spent the next day insisting that he had won the debate — citing polls that, um, are not real polls. Then he returned to New York for the quadrennial Al Smith dinner, a gathering of political and media elites at which presidential candidates, traditionally, poke fun at themselves — a rare moment of bipartisan levity in the hurly-burly of the campaign.

Except this year. Trump seemed to miss the self-deprecating part of the evening — skipping right to attacks on alleged corruption involving Clinton. The crowd booed. “At charity roast, Donald Trump delivered what might as well be a campaign eulogy” was the headline of a Washington Post report about the event. Gut punch.

Then Trump put the cherry on top of his terrible week. At a much-touted speech in Gettysburg, Pa., Trump was expected to roll out plans for his first 100 days in office. Which he did, sort of. But in between that recitation of largely warmed-over proposals, he also pledged to sue every one of the women — 11 in total now — who has alleged that he made improper sexual advances on them over the past three decades.

Another disastrous week. And this one was even closer to the election. The only question now is whether Trump can break his streak of bad weeks before Nov. 8.


Outside Money Favors Hillary Clinton at a 2-to-1 Rate Over Donald Trump 

Hillary Clinton is dominating the race for outside money



Emails Reveal Clinton Campaign's Focus on Black Voters


'No evidence' to suggest Democrats tried to incite violence at Trump rallies, Clinton campaign manager says 


The whole world is laughing at Donald Trump in SNL's new debate sketch

SNLs Hillary Clinton Destroys Donald Trump One Last Time: Tonight, I Feast 

Youtube: Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Third Debate Cold Open - SNL

Google Images: Nasty Woman Coffee Cup



A Brand Problem? Donald Trump's Newest Hotel Line Won't Use His Name 


Donald Trump attacks his accusers as Hillary Clinton sets sights on Congress

Donald Trump jokes that it's okay for his supporters to commit voter fraud

In historic Gettysburg, Lincoln spoke of unity; Trump complained of a 'totally rigged' system 

Trump makes 'closing argument,' again attacks accusers

Trump's 'Gettysburg address' makes closing argument for choosing him and unveils 'first 100 days' agenda 

In Gettysburg, Trump says he can bring the 'change' to end 'rigged' system

Off his message again: Trump vows to sue all female accusers


What the Last US Presidential Debate Means for Voter Turnout

For me, the bottom line is that Wednesday’s debate didn’t really change much. With respect to policy proposals, I’m not sure I gained any new, credible, substantive information. Trump reinforced existing concerns about his veracity, character, and temperament. In another election against another opponent, Clinton’s (non)answers regarding the Clinton Foundation and her and her staff’s emails could have caused real trouble. In this election, her strategy of saying little and keeping the focus on Trump isn’t going to persuade any Trump supporters, but it may not cause her to lose ground either.

As for whether the debates themselves are really all that valuable, it is important to remember that candidates are the ones who ultimately control what information they provide, and their objectives may be quite different from those of voters or the media. In particular, it is not reasonable to expect the debates to be civics lessons or public policy seminars, even in years that are not so dominated by issues of character and personality. At a minimum, debates do provide the only opportunities to compare the candidates side by side in a relatively unscripted format. And nobody is forced to watch—we can always switch over to reality shows instead.


28 Things Donald Trump Promises to Do as President


Gay Republican Group Declines to Endorse Donald Trump

Top LGBT Republican group declines to endorse Trump


Four philosophy professors in the US support Donald Trump


As he took the stage here in this mountain town Friday afternoon, Donald Trump was as subdued as the modest crowd that turned out to see him. He complained about the usual things — the dishonest media, his “corrupt” rival Hillary Clinton — but his voice was hoarse and his heart didn’t seem in it.

He also promised to do all that he could to win, but he explained why he might lose.

“What a waste of time if we don’t pull this off,” Trump said. “You know, these guys have said: ‘It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. There’s never been a movement like this in the history of this country.’ I say, it matters to me if we win or lose. So I’ll have over $100 million of my own money in this campaign.”

“So, if I lose,” Trump continued as the crowd remained unusually quiet, “if I lose, I will consider this —”

Trump didn’t finish his sentence, but he didn’t really need to. After weeks of controversy and declining poll numbers, Trump and his campaign have settled into a dark funk. Even as he vows to prevail in the race, the GOP nominee’s mood has soured with less than three weeks to go until Election Day.

His final debate performance this week was a bust, with him snarling that Clinton was “such a nasty woman” and gritting his teeth as he angrily ripped pages off a notepad when it was over. He is under fire from all quarters for refusing to say he will honor the election results if he loses, while 10 women have now come forward accusing him of groping or kissing them without consent. The capper to Trump’s bad stretch came Thursday night, when a ballroom full of New York City’s glitterati booed him as he gave remarks attacking Clinton at a charity roast.

The gloomy mood has extended to his signature rallies, which Trump used to find fun. During the primaries, he would bound onto rally stages bursting with energy and a sense of excitement that intensified as the crowds chanted his name and cheered his every word. He would regularly schedule news conferences, call into news shows and chat with reporters, eager to spar with them. He would say politically incorrect things and then watch his polling numbers soar. He used to be the winner.


Donald Trump attacks media, voting system and first family

Actually, Donald Trump Told Republicans All Along How Little He Respects Democracy 

Trump says he'll sue sexual misconduct accusers

Richard Branson Describes "Bizarre" Lunch in Which Donald Trump Waxed About Revenge 

Thank You, Donald Trump

Don't Take Donald Trump to Dinner

Donald Trump's Warning on Election Result Sounds Familiar to Some Immigrants 

The guilt-free gospel of Donald Trump

Donald Trump seems to have forgotten how interviews work

The Longshot Path for Donald Trump to Win 270 Electoral Votes

Politico: Donald Trump Is Doomed


Oh, there is a basket of deplorables out there, all right — to borrow a phrase from one of the presidential contenders. But it’s not among the voters. It’s the deplorable presidential choices voters have been handed this election year.

Our political system has over the years been skewed by a host of rules and timetables designed to kowtow to regional sensibilities (Hello Iowa!) and partisan needs (welcome to Super Tuesday). This year we are paying the price for all of that.

With all the great talent this nation has produced, the voters are left with a choice between two of the most distrusted presidential candidates ever to share space on one political ballot. Fully two-thirds of American voters have said they distrust both Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and her Republican counterpart Donald Trump. And frankly we can’t blame them.


How to Build an Exit Ramp for Trump Supporters

Despite recent setbacks — from video of Donald Trump bragging about committing sexual assaults, to increasing concerns regarding his preparedness and temperament, to the unprecedented pace at which high-profile Republicans are pulling their support — polls show that approximately 40% of likely voters continue to support Trump.  On the one hand, this is good news for Clinton supporters who foresee a comfortable margin of victory. On the other, unless Trump loses by historic margins, it is bad news for America.

When Americans wake up on November 9, we will need to reexamine how we can work with and live with each other.  We will have to re-learn how to respect and listen to one another.  It’s never easy after a national election, but it has also never been more difficult.  There is one simple reason for this.  While presidential candidates of both parties, throughout American history, have often relied on fear and anger to boost their electoral odds, Trump is the first major party candidate to have relied so intensely on hate.

Hate is unique in its ability to spare neither perpetrator nor victim.  It’s very hard to hate without inspiring hate in others.  Hate is not easily contained.  Fear can grow or shrink, anger can escalate or subside, but hate sinks in.  It becomes a part of us.  It even begins to dictate what is to be feared, why we should be angry, and who is good or evil.  Fear and anger might make it difficult for us to work with each other, but hate strips away our willingness to even try.

It’s normal—and okay—for some people to be jubilant and others to be upset after an election.  It’s okay for fear and even anger to linger in the wake of a national referendum.  There is a lot at stake.  But hate is not normal, and it cannot be allowed to gain legitimacy.  If it does, it can irreparably rend the constituent fabric of a country.

If this ends up being a close election, it will allow hate to retain the foothold it needs to survive.  That is why, for the first time in U.S. history, Americans need one candidate—in this case, Donald Trump—to lose decisively. A loss of historic proportions is the only way to ensure that future candidates are never again tempted to consort with the politics of hate.  It is the only outcome that will allow Americans of tomorrow to peer into the reflecting pool of history and say “that is not who we are.”


Now we are seeing that it is possible for the American people to elect a racist, sexist demagogue as president in 2016 – or anytime in the future – not to mention a Hitler or Mussolini rising in Europe again. As Upton Sinclair put it sarcastically in his American dystopian novel It Can't Happen Here in 1935: "Cure the evils of Democracy by the evils of Fascism!"

So even if Trump loses, which polls say is likely at this point (though pundits have learned the hard way not to discount Trump), America has changed for this experience. Because, just like it happens to every other country in history eventually, it can also happen here. And if a Hillary Clinton presidency further exacerbates the anxieties about globalism, elitism, corruption, high-level conspiracy and disenfranchisement of many Americans, it will only serve to grow the voter base for Trump – or someone far more dangerous to democracy, human rights and the world – in the next election.

Our jobs as citizens in this democracy is not just to vote for a leader who actually believes in democracy in November. It's also to hold them to their promises. And to recognize that, even if he isn't the right person to fix these problems, some of the anxieties that Trump is addressing are very real for many people, especially the economic and cultural ones, and they need to be addressed rather than debunked and demonized. This is true not just for Americans, but for Europeans, Australians and more. There is a trend toward authoritarianism, nationalism and scapegoating in the world that must be stopped, because we've seen it before and we know how it ends.


How the Alfred Smith Dinner perfectly explains Donald Trump

The Agonizing Essence of Donald Trump, in One GIF 

Donald Trump Confuses Birth With Abortion. And No, There Are No Ninth Month Abortions. 

Donald Trump Still Sure He's 'The Least Racist Person You've Ever Met' 

Donald Trump's campaign spending more than doubled in September. Here's where the money went. 


At Al Smith Dinner, Donald Trump Turns Friendly Roast Into 3-Alarm Fire

Charity Dinner Host: Donald Trump 'Crossed The Line' With Hillary Clinton Attacks

Donald Trump Heckled by New York Elite at Charity Dinner

Donald Trump just turned a charity dinner into a screed against Hillary Clinton

Trump Jokes Strike Sour Tone at Al Smith Dinner

Highlights of Clinton and Trump at Al Smith Dinner

Clinton, Trump try awkward humor at Al Smith Dinner

Donald Trump Gets Booed at Al Smith Dinner After Jabbing Hillary Clinton

Trump, Clinton Mostly Civil at Al Smith Dinner After Fiery Debate

No happy warriors to be found at Al Smith dinner

The most awkward quotes from the Al Smith charity dinner

Cardinal Timothy Dolan blessed Thursday with peacemaker's job

Wait for it: Trump and Clinton are supposed to trade jokes tonight at Cardinal Dolan's Al Smith dinner 


Donald Trump Defined:

Demagogue: a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.

Narcissist: a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves:narcissists who think the world revolves around them.

Hedonist: a person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing in life; a pleasure-seeker.

Xenophobic: having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.

Misogynist: a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women.

Egomaniac: a person who is obsessively egotistical or self-centered: he is a raving egomaniac.

Megalomaniac: a person who is obsessed with their own power, a person who suffers delusions of their own power or importance.

Sociopath: a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

Psychopath: a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.


Donald Trump destroys himself

Hillary Clinton didn't beat Donald Trump in the final debate. Donald Trump destroyed Donald Trump.

With Trump, there’s always a moment when the curtain opens on the true nature of his mental processes.

In Wednesday’s debate, it wasn’t just a moment, it was an epoch. It came when moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News — who did a terrific, probing, even-handed job — asked if he would accept the result of the election.

As Wallace noted, Mike Pence, Trump’s running mate, has said he and Trump will accept the results. His daughter Ivanka says she thinks her father will.

But all Trump would say was: “I will tell you at the time.”

He then launched into a multilayered conspiracy theory: The media was poisoning the minds of the voters. Further, Clinton shouldn’t have been allowed to run for president because of the supposed crime she has committed.

When Clinton pointed out that the FBI’s long investigation concluded there wasn’t a case, Trump as much as said that had been a tank job. That’s a popular belief among Republican right-wingers, but for anyone who knows the law, straight-arrow FBI director James Comey made the correct and obvious call.

But Trump didn’t stop there. He soon alleged that the Iraqi-led, US-assisted assault on ISIS-held Mosul had been launched this month to help Clinton’s campaign!

For her part, Clinton took him apart, noting that he had claimed the Iowa caucuses were rigged, that a court case against “Trump University” was rigged, and that, a few years back, when his reality show didn’t get one, that the Emmys were rigged.

Hers was an effective rejoinder, but frankly, it wasn’t needed. Trump’s own comments gave a window into his strange, conspiratoralist way of thinking.

Here’s the problem for Trump. He thought his challenge was muddying up Clinton, and so, in the second half of the debate, he went the usual Trump route. That is, a hyperbolic attack.

There were two issues there. First, by now, everyone knows Clinton’s flaws. But a durable plurality of voters has also decided that those faults pale before Trump’s. Which brings us to the core issue for Trump: His real challenge is himself.

Most voters have come to the conclusion that he’s just not a good fit for the White House.

This final debate only reinforced that impression.





Donald Trump's Defiance Is Seen as 'Colossal Mistake' That Threatens US Image 

Donald Trump: 'I will totally accept' election results 'if I win'

Donald Trump Says He Will Respect Election Outcome 'If I Win'

Donald Trump Reserves Right to Contest Election Outcome

Donald Trump, the Anti-Democratic Candidate

Donald Trump Is Now Running Against American Democracy Itself

What Happens if Donald Trump Doesn't Concede the Election?

Could Donald Trump legally challenge the presidential election?


Republicans in tough races blast Trump for refusing to say whether he'll accept election results 

“There have been irregularities in our elections, sometimes even fraud, but never to an extent that it affected the outcome,” said GOP Sen. John McCain, who is up for reelection in Arizona, where some polls show Clinton with an edge in the traditionally red state, even though the senator has a big edge on his own rival.

“We should all be proud of that, and respect the decision of the majority even when we disagree with it. Especially when we disagree with it.”

McCain knows something about conceding a presidential election — he had to do as the GOP nominee in 2008, to President Obama. He noted in a statement Thursday that he “didn’t like the outcome” of that election, but “had a duty to concede, and I did so.”

“A concession isn’t just an exercise in graciousness. It is an act of respect for the will of the American people, a respect that is every American leader’s first responsibility,” McCain said.


Donald Trump's Contempt for Democracy

Donald Trump's Campaign Flails Trying To Defend His 'Rigged Election' Talk

New conspiracy theory: Donald Trump lost the debate because Hillary Clinton cheated

It's not just women and minorities. Donald Trump has a Mormon problem — and here's how it could cost him

Donald Trump's Virtuosic Lies at the Debate, Debunked One Last Time 

Of course Donald Trump goes low. That's the populists' winning style.

Warren Buffett fact-checked Donald Trump. Trump pretended it never happened. 

A surprise glimpse at Donald Trump's debate notes

Climate Change Got Exactly 2 Seconds of Time in the Final Debate

Trump Overlooked One Small Detail When He Invited Obama’s Half Brother to the Debate
Right-wing conspiracy theorists used to think Malik Obama was linked to Muslim terrorists. 

Donald Trump's Abortion Policies Would Kill Women

Donald Trump's super basic mistake about the economy 

Donald Trump’s “bad hombres” draws jeers, Spanish lessons

Watch Stephen Colbert Mock Final Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Debate

Here Are 7 Things JK Rowling Has Tweeted About Donald Trump

Donald Trump's Virtuosic Lies at the Debate, Debunked One Last Time


The Daily 202: Trump's lack of self-control allows Clinton to sweep the debates 

Clinton Nukes Trump's Remaining Chances

We saw a new Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night, the Shade Queen that America deserves

Donald Trump's charge on the election's integrity reverberates in both campaigns 

Mother JonesDonald Trump's Top 18 Debate Moments

Third Presidential Debate: 7 Moments That Mattered

Donald Trump digs a deeper hole

Analysis: After a brutal campaign, a brutal debate

At third debate, Trump won't commit to accepting election results if he loses

Hillary Clinton Slams Donald Trump as Vladimir Putins Puppet

Trump is Wrong. Wrong. A Surprise Attack on Mosul Is Impossible. 

Donald Trump's Abortion Comments Caused Quite a Stir

Trump calls Clinton 'a nasty woman'

What Donald Trump Really Meant When He Said 'Nasty Woman'

Voter Support for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Reverts to January Levels

Has Donald Trump's campaign manager given up on him?

The Blessing and Curse of Running Against Trump in a Down-Ballot Race 

The last 2016 presidential debate: Trump 'a puppet' for Russia's Putin, Clinton says

Who's Ahead in the Presidential Debate? What You've Missed

We're Live Fact-Checking the Final Presidential Debate

Third presidential debate live updates: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton trade vicious accusations 

Most Memorable Lines of the 3rd Presidential Debate

Donald Trump refuses to say whether he'll accept election results

Trump Refuses to Say He Will Accept Election Results

5 things to know about presidential debate moderator Chris Wallace

Final presidential debate: How's moderator Chris Wallace doing? 


Michael Steele says Donald Trump's campaign “captured that racist underbelly … of American life” 


Antiabortion activists face headwinds with Clinton leading and Trump stumbling on women's issues 


Was That a Presidential Debate or a Pitch for Trump TV?

Donald Trump's media empire may actually be happening

Here's Why a Trump TV Network Will Almost Certainly Fail


Donald Trump Will Try To Make Tonight's Debate A Brawl. Can Moderator Chris Wallace Keep Him In Check? 

12 Questions We'd Like to Hear at the Presidential Debate

The presidential debate: Can Donald Trump change his trajectory?

What Donald Trump should do — and not do — in tonight's debate

3 awkward questions Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have mostly managed to dodge lately — until now

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton face off in final debate of ugly campaign

Opinion:Will Donald Trump Cost Republicans the Senate? A State-by-State Guide

In Depth:Chris Wallace Is Going to Destroy Donald Trump Over this Topic


Donald Trump's confusion and contradictions about Russia 


The Hawk on Russia Policy? Hillary Clinton, Not Donald Trump


The Trump workers voting against the boss


Donald Trump Is Completely Obsessed With Revenge

For decades, Trump has been an advocate of revenge. And now his revenge fantasies are running wild on a grand stage. Clinton assails him? He will pronounce her a criminal (and in league with a global conspiracy involving international bankers) and throw her into the slammer. Iranian sailors make rude gestures at US vessels? He will shoot them "out of the water." His favorite form of revenge is escalation—upping the ante, screwing 'em more than they screwed you. And he clearly has been taking his own advice during this presidential race. These days, Trump is lashing out at his antagonists and the media. At this point—with Trump falling in the polls—it does not seems like a strategy for success. But given how revenge seems to be embedded in his DNA, Trump may not be able to help himself. Revenge as an ubertactic might work for him in business, but constantly behaving vengefully is hardly a positive attribute for a presidential candidate or a commander in chief. One can only imagine how Trump's profound desire for vengeance will play out, should he find himself a big loser on Election Day.


'You're So Vain': Carly Simon's Iconic Song Is All About Donald in Anti-Trump Ad


No, the presidential election can't be hacked

A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast 


Hillary Clinton's Special Burden: Not Just Win, But Win Big

Presidential debate: What to watch for in the last Clinton-Trump face-off

Showing Confidence, Hillary Clinton Pushes Into Republican Strongholds 

Do Campaign Ads Matter? Donald Trump Offers a Rare Chance to Find Out

Polls: Clinton leads Trump in key swing states

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Take Different Tacks as Final Debate Nears

As Trump stumbles, Clinton weighs a striking choice: Expand the map or stick to the plan

Hillary Clinton Picks Up Support From enen, Swing Voters to Build Lead

A 'Wall' of Taco, Food Trucks Line Up Against Trump in Las Vegas


Donald Trump's Last-Ditch Plan to 'Drain the Swamp'

Donald Trump Says He Would Push for Congressional Term Limits If Elected

Trump Proposes Term Limits for Congress

Donald Trump floats new lobbying bans

Donald Trump tries to shift spotlight from allegations to voter fraud

Will millions of “missing voters” propel Donald Trump to victory? Probably not

Essential Politics: It's now Donald Trump vs. elections officials


Michael Moore Preps Surprise Donald Trump Film

Review: 'Michael Moore in TrumpLand' Isn't About Donald Trump

Google Search: Michael Moore in TrumpLand

How Trump & Clinton have failed to use free space in Google for US presidential candidates 


Stephen Colbert Helps Decode All the Conspiracy Theories Against Donald Trump 


Hillary Clinton's email problems just came roaring back

FBI and State Department say there was no quid pro quo over Clinton email

Documents show State Dept. official wanted FBI to change classification of one of Clinton's emails 


Obama offers Trump some good advice: 'Stop whining'

Read President Obama's Remarks Telling Donald Trump to 'Stop Whining'

On the menu for Obama's final state dinner: Trump roast


The Cheap Moralizing of Never Trump


It's getting very, very hard to see how Donald Trump wins

The Daily 202: Trump has reached his ceiling, with little or no room to grow 

Why Trump's in Trouble: He's Underperforming Romney in 2012

Hillary Clinton's smooth sailing: GOP strategists say Donald Trump is in trouble


The People Who Know How To Actually Rig An Election Say Trump Is Wrong

Both men stressed that elections aren’t flawless. There are sporadic errors and attempts at corruption. But those instances happen predominantly at the local level and only rarely have affected state races. Presidential contests in the modern age aren’t the type of thing that can be hacked by one side or the other. And for Trump to argue otherwise is dangerous.

“What I wish is that Donald Trump would focus his campaign on what he is going to do if he gets elected and the bad things that Hillary Clinton would do if she got elected, and not attack the system,” said Braden. “The better angels, I’m hoping, get to his ears about the importance of the system because, in the end, any democratic system is pretty fragile and it is based upon trust.”

Donald Trump's Pants on Fire claim of 'large scale voter fraud'

Donald Trump's Call to Monitor Polls Raises Fears of Intimidation

Election Officials Dispute Donald Trump's Claims of 'Rigged' Election

Donald Trump the arsonist: The GOP nominee is inching America toward the apocalypse 

Donald Trump's rigged election is GOP's latest headache

The Latest: Dems call on GOP to affirm election fairness

Donald Trump's 'Rigged Election' Claims Raise Historical Alarms

Donald Trump's voter fraud claims are ridiculous

41% Believe Election Might Be Stolen from Donald Trump, Poll Finds

Mike Pence rebukes Donald Trump: The election isn't “rigged” 


Why Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump Impression Rankles Trump More Than Other SNL Impersonations of Him 

One Person Who Isn’t a Fan of Baldwin’s Trump Impersonation? Donald Trump. 

John Oliver: Donald Trump Thinks He's the 'Second Coming of Christ'

Youtube: Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Town Hall Debate Cold Open


Wikipedia: Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations 

Donald Trump Says He Will Sue Sexual Misconduct Accusers. Law Experts Have Doubts

Adult film actress accuses Trump of offering $10000 to come alone to hotel suite

Another Donald Trump accuser comes out with charge of sexual misconduct

Porn Star Jessica Drake Accuses Buffoon Donald Trump of Sexual Misconduct 

Tenth woman accuses Donald Trump of sexual misconduct

Woman says Trump groped her while attending US Open tennis tourney in 1998

New Trump Accuser Karena Virginia: I Blamed Myself for Trump’s Grope for Years 

Another woman accuses Donald Trump of groping

Trump: Clinton is behind sexual assault allegations

After failing to seduce Nancy O’Dell, Trump reportedly tried to have her fired

Donald Trump And His Supporters Are Actually Making Women Sick

People: 6 friends back writer's story of alleged Trump assault 

Documenting Trump’s Abuse of Women

It’s Revolting to Watch Donald Trump Try to Kiss a Little Girl as She Squirms Away

Trump Accuser Summer Zervos Fights Back With New Witness

Melania Trump: Billy Bush 'Egged On' Donald to Make Sexual Assault Comments 

'They're Lies': Melania Trump Rejects Women's Claims That Husband Groped Them 


Inside Donald Trump's echo chamber of conspiracies, grievances and vitriol 

Donald Trump just keeps having the Worst Week in Washington



Donald Trump and the GOP: The Party of Lincoln, Reagan and, Perhaps, Extinction 

Donald Trump is a big fat liar — and the unquestioned heir to 50 years of GOP whoppers 



The 2016 electoral map is collapsing around Donald Trump

Measuring the Trump Effect
Will Trump's tape and other scandals take down the GOP Senate and House? 


Shakespeare Explains the 2016 Election

Shakespeare brilliantly shows all of these types of enablers working together in the climactic scene of this ascent. The scene — anomalously enough in a society that was a hereditary monarchy but oddly timely for ourselves — is an election. Unlike “Macbeth” (which introduced into the English language the word “assassination”), “Richard III” does not depict a violent seizure of power. Instead there is the soliciting of popular votes, complete with a fraudulent display of religious piety, the slandering of opponents and a grossly exaggerated threat to national security.

WHY an election? Shakespeare evidently wanted to emphasize the element of consent in Richard’s rise. He is not given a robust consent; only a municipal official and a few of the villain’s carefully planted henchmen shout their vote: “God save Richard, England’s royal king!”

But the others assembled in the crowd, whether from indifference or from fear or from the catastrophically mistaken belief that there is no real difference between Richard and the alternatives, are silent, “like dumb statues or breathing stones.” Not speaking out — simply not voting — is enough to bring the monster to power.

Shakespeare’s words have an uncanny ability to reach out beyond their original time and place and to speak directly to us. We have long looked to him, in times of perplexity and risk, for the most fundamental human truths. So it is now. Do not think it cannot happen, and do not stay silent or waste your vote.


Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi on Donald Trump

The Fury and Failure of Donald Trump
Win, lose or drop out, the Republican nominee has laid waste to the American political system. On the trail for the last gasp of the ugliest campaign in our nation's history

Trump's shocking rise and spectacular fall have been a singular disaster for U.S. politics. Built up in the press as the American Hitler, he was unmasked in the end as a pathetic little prankster who ruined himself, his family and half of America's two-party political system for what was probably a half-assed ego trip all along, adventure tourism for the idiot rich.

That such a small man would have such an awesome impact on our nation's history is terrible, but it makes sense if you believe in the essential ridiculousness of the human experience. Trump picked exactly the wrong time to launch his mirror-gazing rampage to nowhere. He ran at a time when Americans on both sides of the aisle were experiencing a deep sense of betrayal by the political class, anger that was finally ready to express itself at the ballot box.

The only thing that could get in the way of real change – if not now, then surely very soon – was a rebellion so maladroit, ill-conceived and irresponsible that even the severest critics of the system would become zealots for the status quo.

In the absolute best-case scenario, the one in which he loses, this is what Trump's run accomplished. He ran as an outsider antidote to a corrupt two-party system, and instead will leave that system more entrenched than ever. If he goes on to lose, he will be our Bonaparte, the monster who will continue to terrify us even in exile, reinforcing the authority of kings.

If you thought lesser-evilism was bad before, wait until the answer to every question you might have about your political leaders becomes, "Would you rather have Trump in office?"

Trump can't win. Our national experiment can't end because one aging narcissist got bored of sex and food. Not even America deserves that. But that doesn't mean we come out ahead. We're more divided than ever, sicker than ever, dumber than ever. And there's no reason to think it won't be worse the next time.

How Donald Trump Lost His Mojo

Trump's Appetite for Destruction: How Disastrous Convention Doomed GOP 

How America Made Donald Trump Unstoppable

Trump Seriously: On the Trail With the GOP's Tough Guy 

Donald Trump's Life and Career: A Timeline


Clinton has some big challenges in final debate. None involves discrediting Trump.

Can Donald Trump be saved by the bell?


The Latest: Clinton has twice as many six-figure donors


The Republican ddence crisis that created Donald Trump 


During Clinton’s lifetime, institutionalized discrimination against women has retreated markedly. So has the routine sexism that assumes that a woman can’t, by definition, do a given job as well as a man, or that she shouldn’t be working outside the home at all. But what lingers is misogyny—the kind of hate- and fear-filled objectification of women that flourishes in corners of the Internet, and in the rhetoric of Trump and some of his supporters. It turns out that what some of them seemed to have meant when they said they were tired of being politically correct was that they were tired of addressing others with a modicum of respect. Trump encourages people at his rallies to chant “Lock her up!”—in the second debate, he vowed to do just that if elected. Such rhetoric, in its vulgarity and its rawness, is a radical break from conservative norms. Mitt Romney and Ronald Reagan are not exactly celebrated as feminists, but it’s impossible to imagine either of them publicly invoking a newswoman’s menstrual period, or calling women “fat pigs,” or acquiescing to a request from Howard Stern to refer to his daughter as a “piece of ass.”

Trump’s Female Supporters Back Him Despite Sexual Assault Accusations

Poll: Women propel Clinton into battleground lead


Paul Ryan's epic cowardice: As other Republicans rebuke Trump, the party's top elected official plays dumb 

Is Paul Ryan toast? Donald Trump's campaign should make House speaker worry about his future 

For Paul Ryan, a Long, Labored Path Leading Away From Donald Trump

Trump continues with attacks on accusers, 'rigged' system

How Donald Trump reacted when his teleprompters broke down

Trump didn't invest more in campaign despite tightening race


Trump's Ohio state director says campaign has severed ties with state Republican Party chairman 

Trump campaign cuts ties with Ohio GOP chairman weeks from election


Donald Trump's dangerous ploy to destabilize democracy

Donald Trump's Conspiracy Theory Campaign Will Do Real Damage to Democracy

Trump's supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies 

Sheriff Supporting Trump Makes Call for 'Pitchforks and Torches'


Why we trust Donald Trump's accusers but didn't believe Bill Clinton's 

Issues in Hillary Clinton's Past Leave Her Muted in Furor Over Donald Trump 


The New Protesters Defying Donald Trump: His Customers

Donald Trump isn't going to like this new report about his campaign's impact on his businesses 

The myth and the reality of Donald Trump’s business empire 


Michelle Obama's New Hampshire speech on Donald Trump

So we cannot afford to be tired or turned off. And we cannot afford to stay home on Election Day. Because on November the 8th, we have the power to show our children that America's greatness comes from recognizing the innate dignity and worth of all our people. On November the 8th, we can show our children that this country is big enough to have a place for us all — men and women, folks of every background and walk of life — and that each of us is a precious part of this great American story, and we are always stronger together.

On Nov. 8, we can show our children that here in America, we reject hatred and fear and in difficult times, we don't discard our highest ideals. No, we rise up to meet them. We rise up to perfect our union. We rise up to defend our blessings of liberty. We rise up to embody the values of equality and opportunity and sacrifice that have always made this country the greatest nation on Earth.

That is who we are. And don't ever let anyone tell you differently. Hope is important. Hope is important for our young people. And we deserve a President who can see those truths in us — a President who can bring us together and bring out the very best in us. Hillary Clinton will be that President.

So for the next 26 days, we need to do everything we can to help her and Tim Kaine win this election. I know I'm going to be doing it. Are you with me? Are you all with me? You ready to roll up your sleeves? Get to work knocking on doors?

All right, let's get to work. Thank you all. God bless.

Watch Michelle Obama’s Powerful Speech On Donald Trump’s Treatment Of Women 

Americans are so stressed about this election that the country’s leading psychological association published tips to help them get through it

Is the 'Trump Effect' damaging our psyches?


A look at the women making allegations against Trump

Read Donald Trump's Speech Attacking His Accusers

Donald Trump sure sounds like he's attacking women's looks — again

Donald Trump Assails His Accusers as Liars, and Unattractive

Trump belittles accusers as unattractive, as more come forward

Trump on sex assault allegations: 'I am a victim'

Donald Trump Fends Off New Sexual Misconduct Claims, Calling Allegations a Conspiracy 

Donald Trump Personally Attacked the Women Accusing Him of Sexual Assault 

Physically Attacked by Donald Trump – a People Writer's Own Harrowing Story 

Mike Pence answers 11-year-old girl's body image question with pivot to terrorism 

Trump Jr. Suggested Women Who Can't Take Harassment “Don't Belong In The Workforce”


Donald Trump is setting the stage to never concede the 2016 election

For Trump, a new 'rigged' system: The election itself


Trump claims election is 'rigged' and seems to suggest Clinton was on drugs at debate

As Campaign Implodes, Donald Trump Says Hillary Clinton Is on Drugs

Trump calls for drug test ahead of next debate, says Clinton was 'pumped up'


Hillary Clinton: It's 'Incredibly Painful' to Run Against Donald Trump

Trump: I 'wasn't impressed' when Clinton walked in front of me at debate



Who would win and lose under Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's tax plans 



Donald Trump is running out of ways to win

Blame Donald Trump for the Divisions Within the GOP

Trump's moment of reckoning

Donald Trump says there's a global conspiracy against him 

Donald Trump Prepares New Attack on Media, Clinton

Eye Opener: Donald Trump plays defense


Despite 2001 Promise, Donald Trump Made No 9/11 Donations in Year After Attack, Audit Finds 


The New York Times just dared Donald Trump to sue


'No more': Evangelical women are done with Donald Trump and his misogyny 

Michelle Obama's speech on Donald Trump was remarkable 

Here's the advice Donald Trump gave Bill Cosby about sexual assault accusations 

After Donald Trump, Will More Women Believe Their Own Stories? 

Donald Trump Reportedly Referred to Deaf Actress as “Retarded” on Apprentice Set  

Ben Carson Said It Doesn't Matter Whether or Not Donald Trump Committed Sexual Assault 

Donald Trump is facing an apocalyptic election scenario, thanks to women voters 

Four women accuse Trump of forcibly groping, kissing them

New York Times report: Two women accuse Trump of inappropriate touching

Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately

Multiple women say Donald Trump made inappropriate sexual advances on them 

Report: Two Women Say Donald Trump Inappropriately Touched Them 

More Women Come Forward With Donald Trump Groping Allegations 

Former Miss Teen USA contestants allege Donald Trump “walked in” on them changing outfits

New sex assault allegations against Trump: 'He was like an octopus'

Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005 

A Timeline of Donald Trump's Creepiness While He Owned Miss Universe 


Bill O'Reilly's latest Donald Trump interview is one for the ages 

Trump speaks anxiously about prospect of losing


New Tribune-Hinckley poll: Trump leads Clinton by 9 percentage points

Donald Trump took digs at Jon Huntsman's Mormon faith during 2011 spat


Donald Trump The Vicious Snake


The Daily 202: Republican politicians fall back in line behind Trump after defecting 

Some in GOP Who Deserted Donald Trump Over Video Are Returning 

Could Donald Trump still win the US Presidential election?


The Republican Inferno

The party’s leaders were afraid Trump would rage against them if they denied him the nomination; instead, he is raging against them for refusing to go to the mat for his caught-on-tape misogyny and pornographic boasts. They were afraid of infuriating his core voters by opposing him at the convention; instead, they are infuriating his core voters by keeping him at arm’s length in the election’s final stretch. They feared a war of Republican against Republican, conservative against conservative; they have one. They feared a turnout collapse, an inevitable defeat; they will most likely get both.

Above all, they feared the specter of a defeated Donald Trump railing against a corrupt convention bargain all through 2016 and beyond. So instead they will get Donald Trump railing against an establishment dolchstoss, a stab in the back, from the moment the polls close on Nov. 8 until he either wins the 2020 nomination or draws his dying breath.

History in its day to day is not a morality play. But sometimes there is a clear chastisement, a moment when the judgments of providence seem stark. And so it may be for the men who led the Republican Party into its Trumpian inferno.

In bending the knee to Trump last spring, they thought that they were buying party unity and a continued share of power, and paying for it with just a little of their decency, a mite of their patriotism, a soupçon of their honor.

They may find out soon enough that all this bargain bought them was an even harsher reckoning, and that all they will inherit is the wind.


Donald Trump is blowing up the Republican Party

What appears to be happening is the Breitbart-ization of Trump's campaign, adopting a strategy of full-on attack against everyone who doesn't see the world as he does — including Republicans. (That move isn't totally out of the blue. Breitbart chief Stephen Bannon is a close Trump adviser.) Trump is effectively turning the guns on his own troops, a move that might be personally satisfying to him but that will result in near-certain carnage for lots of Republicans.

The promise to be unshackled means that this is going to get worse for Republicans. Maybe far worse. Trump will undoubtedly “go there” more often against Bill Clinton — as he did in the second debate — but will also do everything he can to embarrass Republican politicians who he believes have betrayed him (and their constituents). People I talked to over the weekend said the election for Republicans seemed headed for an every-man-for-himself mentality. But, it might be even worse than that now. You can try to run from Trump but (a) it might not work since we are so close to the election, and b) there's no promise that Trump will let you do it without attacking you by name.

This is an absolute worst-case scenario for Republicans. Had Trump turned against them months ago — or had his poll numbers dipped then as they have now — extricating themselves from the dumpster fire might have been painful, but it was possible. Now it's almost certainly too late to do any real distancing from the nominee even as he is promising more unpredictability and more intraparty attacks.

It's unclear how badly Trump can hurt his chances or those of his party downballot. But, the disaster scenario — an electoral college wipeout, losing the Senate and the House — now has to be on the table.


Donald Trump's GOP civil war

For Trump or Against Trump, Republicans Fear Intensifying Civil War If He Loses

Donald Trump returns to his vicious primary self, and there's nothing the RNC can do to stop him 

Split Over Donald Trump Threatens to Tilt Republican States


As Trump gets 'unshackled,' Clinton's campaign sweats turnout

Donald Trump's New Attack Strategy: Curb Clinton Vote

The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton and Al Gore reunite, campaigning on climate change


Donald Trump Is Closing the Election With the Combative Approach of His Primary Campaign 

Donald Trump warns that 'other communities' are poised to steal the election

Trump should and could know this, if he cared to. It doesn't serve his interests to believe that voter fraud is a non-issue, and it's very possible he sincerely believes that fraud in Philly will cost him the state. What is likely to actually cost him the race in Pennsylvania is that he's losing badly thanks to slipping support. Multiple recent polls show Trump trailing by double digits in the state. He shouldn't feel too bad; Pennsylvania has voted Democratic since 1992.

Trump should certainly know that the steel industry isn't coming back and wasn't a victim of the policies of Obama. The steel industry in the Rust Belt was gutted in the 1970s and 1980s, with the workforce being cut in half between 1975 and 1988. Earlier this month, an essay in the New York Times explored how the economy of Pennsylvania has evolved in the decades since, expanding service sector jobs and work in technology. The jobs aren't often as high-paying and secure as steel jobs once were, but the economy has changed — as has steel production. Trump himself reportedly uses Chinese-made steel in his construction projects.

Nonetheless: “We're going to bring back the jobs to Pennsylvania,” Trump said in Ambridge. “We're going to bring back steel. Your steel has been stolen from you in this area.”

Just like the election, right?


War Goes Viral
How social media is being weaponized across the world

Few targets loom larger than the United States. This election cycle, Russian hackers targeted the U.S. political system, digging up embarrassing information and spreading it as widely as possible. Russian trolls posed as angry U.S. supporters of one or another political campaign while outlets like RT leapt to enlarge the divisions that other parts of the propaganda machine had helped create. What felt new and strange to many Americans followed a familiar script: provoking restive minorities, strengthening the hand of potentially friendly politicians and political movements, undermining trust in democratic processes, and generally raising the volume of anger and dissent.

The ultimate intent is not so much victory for a certain side, but a loss for everybody: sapping the credibility of U.S. institutions and tearing open as many wounds as possible. After Election Day, we should not be surprised to find a vocal group of internet users with mysterious IP addresses decrying the result as a fraud and driving talk of conspiracy—and even of resistance or secession. In time, we may see a multiplying number of homegrown violent extremists (along the lines of the infamous Oregon militiamen), encouraged by the subtle manipulation of a certain rival government.



Donald Trump, unplugged as ever

The Daily 202: Is Hurricane Trump a Category One, a Category Five or something in between? 

Trump steps up his attacks on US House speaker and fleeing Republicans

Trump shows no signs of softening in post-debate blitz



Paul Ryan just officially broke up with Donald Trump

Infight on the right: Donald Trump goes on Twitter to attack “weak and ineffective” Paul Ryan 

Trump Assails Ryan as 'Weak and Ineffective' as GOP Split Widens

Rebuff of Donald Trump Puts Paul Ryan in a Bind

For GOP Candidates, Renouncing Donald Trump Carries Dire Risks


Late-night TV hosts have a field day with the Donald Trump-Billy Bush video

Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005 

No one talks like Donald Trump in locker rooms

Athletes tackle Trump's 'locker room' defense

Arianne Zucker, actress subject of lewd Donald Trump rant, speaks out

Donald Trump on 'Blue Sky' Singer Emily West: 'Her Skin Sucks'

Donald Trump has actually had a lot of things to say about women


As Trump sputters, Clinton's campaign prepares for an even nastier race

Clinton team projects open confidence

Trump promises further attacks against Clintons if more tapes of his conduct are released

Reince Priebus on Trump: 'We have a great relationship'

The campaign against Trump seems to have deepened a trait of Clinton’s: a pessimism about the possibility of political persuasion. James Carville, speaking on the Showtime campaign documentary “The Circus,” said that Bill Clinton always believed that he “could talk a dog out of a pork chop”—that, given enough time, he could change anyone’s mind. Hillary, Carville said, is “more realistic” about people. When Obama, at a 2008 fund-raiser, said that he thought members of the Republican base “cling to guns and religion,” his suggestion was that conservatism was a false consciousness that might be lifted. Hillary Clinton appears to have no such optimism. Trump was right: the word “irredeemable” was the interesting one in those infamous remarks. It suggests her belief that the Trump base, the people responsible for the shape of the election, are beyond persuasion.

The nativism and darkness of Trump’s movement—the tens of millions of voters who still stand enthusiastically behind the candidate—are the major new force in American politics, and still haven’t been worked into the major parties’ politics. A hard turn against globalization, a more explicit racism and xenophobia, the weight of economic and cultural grievances: none of this is part of the Democrats or Republicans’ scheme. During the past few days, Republicans have been working to blame the election on Trump personally, convinced that Trumpism is a fever that has moved through their electorate but should pass quickly. If Clinton had a different disposition—Obama’s, say, or her husband’s—she might have used the question about “the basket of deplorables” as a way to cleave Trump from his supporters, to empathize with their alienation and sense of loss. She might have offered conciliation. But Clinton does not seem to think that Trumpism is a passing fever, however much elected Republicans wish it so. Last night, Clinton said that her quarrel was with Trump rather than his supporters. In a month, that may no longer be true.


Today, however, Trump should stay atop the ticket, for four reasons. First, he will give the nation the pleasure of seeing him join the one cohort, of the many cohorts he disdains, that he most despises — “losers.” Second, by continuing to campaign in the spirit of St. Louis, he can remind the nation of the useful axiom that there is no such thing as rock bottom. Third, by persevering through Nov. 8 he can simplify the GOP’s quadrennial exercise of writing its post-campaign autopsy, which this year can be published Nov. 9 in one sentence: “Perhaps it is imprudent to nominate a venomous charlatan.” Fourth, Trump is the GOP’s chemotherapy, a nauseating but, if carried through to completion, perhaps a curative experience.


Donald Trump Is America's Enemy

The Trump campaign's ties to Russia are more than troubling – they're terrifying. His former campaign chairman made millions working for a Russia-backed autocrat who used to rule Ukraine. His top national security adviser has buddied up to Putin. And Trump has personally pursued business opportunities in Russia for decades. His rhetoric on the campaign trail has been solicitous of Putin and, like his words about Syria in the debate, often parroted the Russian line. These are not coincidences. This is a dangerous pattern.

Trump threatened to jail his opponent if he became president. It was a chilling moment that revealed the depth of his ignorance and disdain for the principles that actually make America great. It was also a window into how his presidency would change our country. Sunday night, Trump made it clear he wants us to look a lot more like Putin's Russia.


Former GOP Chairman: It's Over for Trump and the Party

Trump's declaration aside, the question of the day is: Is it over for the reality TV celebrity? Has he unintentionally fired himself?

Michael Steele, the former chairman of the Republican Party, believes it is. On Saturday afternoon, I asked him for his reaction to the Trumpocalypse under way. He cut to the chase: This is a devastating blow to the Trump campaign and to the party, and there is not much either can do to salvage it. It almost doesn't matter what Trump does in the next debate.

A former GOP chief says the elephant is cooked. As another former GOP official tells me, "This is no longer about what happens on Election Day. It's about what happens in 20 years—and whether there is still a Republican Party then."


Paul Ryan Turns Focus From Donald Trump to House Races, Roiling GOP 

Trump lashes out at Ryan as GOP retreats

More than Trump, the Republican Party was the biggest loser in last night's debate 

Trump campaign signals mud-slinging endgame as Clinton points to GOP unraveling 


Stupid and contagious: What if Donald Trump is not “dumbing down” and actually is this dumb? 

Never Forget That Donald Trump Could Have Been the President of the United States 

Donald Trump’s Unconscious, Unending Sexism

Donald Trump’s Sad, Lonely Life

Most of us derive a warm satisfaction when we feel our lives are aligned with ultimate values. But Trump lives in an alternative, amoral Howard Stern universe where he cannot enjoy the sweetness that altruism and community service can occasionally bring.

Bullies only experience peace when they are cruel. Their blood pressure drops the moment they beat the kid on the playground.

Imagine you are Trump. You are trying to bluff your way through a debate. You’re running for an office you’re completely unqualified for. You are chasing some glimmer of validation that recedes ever further from view.

Your only rest comes when you are insulting somebody, when you are threatening to throw your opponent in jail, when you are looming over her menacingly like a mafioso thug on the precipice of a hit, when you are bellowing that she has “tremendous hate in her heart” when it is clear to everyone you are only projecting what is in your own.

Trump’s emotional makeup means he can hit only a few notes: and aggression. In some ways, his debate performances look like primate dominance displays — filled with chest beating and looming growls. But at least primates have bands to connect with, whereas Trump is so alone, if a tree fell in his emotional forest, it would not make a sound.

It’s all so pathetic.


Tomgram: Engelhardt, This Is Not About Donald Trump
The Age of Decline, Apple Pie, and America's Chosen Suicide Bomber
And Truly, This Is Not About Donald Trump...

From the moment the first scribe etched a paean of praise to Nebuchadnezzar into a stone tablet, it’s reasonable to conclude that never in history has the media covered a single human being as it has Donald Trump. For more than a year now, unless a terror attack roiled American life, he’s been the news cycle, essentially the only one, morning, noon, and night, day after day, week after week, month after month. His every word, phrase, move, insult, passing comment, off-the-cuff remark, claim, boast, brazen lie, shout, or shout-out has been ours as well.

In relation to his Republican rivals, and now Hillary Clinton, he stands alone in accepting and highlighting what increasing numbers of Americans, especially white Americans, have evidently come to feel: that this country is in decline, its greatness a thing of the past, or as pollsters like to put it, that America is no longer “heading in the right direction” but is now “on the wrong track.”  In this way, he has mainlined into a deep, economically induced mindset, especially among white working class men facing a situation in which so many good jobs have headed elsewhere, that the world has turned sour.

Or think of it another way (and it may be the newest way of all): a significant part of the white working class, at least, feels as if, whether economically or psychologically, its back is up against the wall and there’s nowhere left to go.  Under such circumstances, many of these voters have evidently decided that they’re ready to send a literal loose cannon into the White House; they’re willing, that is, to take a chance on the roof collapsing, even if it collapses on them.

That is the new and unrecognizable role that Donald Trump has filled.  It’s hard to conjure up another example of it in our recent past. The Donald represents, as a friend of mine likes to say, the suicide bomber in us all. And voting for him, among other things, will be an act of nihilism, a mood that fits well with imperial decline.

Think of him as a message in a bottle washing up on our shore.  After all...

This is not about Donald Trump. It’s about us.


Frontline: The Choice 2016

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are two of the most polarizing presidential candidates in modern history. On Tuesday, September 27, Frontline’s acclaimed election-year series, “The Choice,” returns — going behind the headlines to investigate what has shaped these two candidates, where they came from, how they lead and why they want one of the most difficult jobs imaginable. From veteran Frontline filmmaker Michael Kirk, “The Choice 2016” will investigate formative moments in Clinton and Trump’s lives through interviews with those who know them best, providing in-depth, trustworthy reporting and powerful new insights at a moment when voters are being bombarded with conflicting partisan stories about each candidate.


Donald Trump's backers have been reduced to suggesting groping may not be sexual assault 


Why Vladimir Putin Is Donald Trump's Spiritual Running Mate 

Here’s what Donald Trump needs to know about ‘the inner workings of Russia’ 


Pence emerges in NC with praise, ‘forgiveness’ for Trump

Pence Praises Debater Trump, Squelches Talk of Quitting Ticket

Pence: I never considered leaving Trump ticket


Donald Trump tried to call out Warren Buffett. He probably didn't expect this response. 


One of Clinton's biggest critics in email case says he'd tell Trump not to jail her 


Kellyanne Conway just demonstrated how impossible it is to defend Donald Trump right now 


There Are Transcripts Of Trump's Unaired Moments On 'The Apprentice.' We Got One.

Geraldo Rivera on Trump's lewd remarks: "I have tapes"


Donald Trump Is Starting to Look Like an Independent Candidate


And the Winner Is . . . Bill Clinton

Today we forget how many times it looked as if Bill Clinton’s career would be ended by his sexual indiscretions. In 1992, when he was seeking the Democratic nomination for president, Mr. Clinton put the case for him this way when he found himself pressed about marital infidelity in that now-infamous “60 Minutes” interview:

“I know it’s an issue, but what does that mean? That means that 86% of the American people either don’t think it’s relevant to presidential performance or look at whether a person, looking at all the facts, is the best to serve.”

Six years later, Americans learned President Clinton had had a sexual relationship with an intern. Once again Mr. Clinton’s initial instinct was to lie about it, publicly and defiantly. The dominant mood was he would have to resign.

But he didn’t resign. Instead, he fought back. And he won, largely because he and his wife refused to abide by norms about the decent thing to do in such a circumstance.

In this sense, Donald Trump is the new Bill Clinton. And if he does pull off a win in November, it will be in good part because of a culture that Hillary Clinton did much to create.


We scored the town hall debate and Hillary Clinton won

Final thoughts:

Cathleen Decker (Political analyst and columnist): Donald Trump came into this debate at a huge deficit, his campaign reeling from the release of a 2005 video on which he bragged about sexually assaulting women. So he had a big hole to climb out of, and he did not do it. He was snappish throughout, repeatedly interrupting Clinton and badgering the moderators. He repeated falsehoods -- that neighbors of the San Bernardino terrorists saw bombs in their apartment and said nothing, that he had never tweeted about a sex tape involving last week’s Trump target, a former Miss Universe. Trump’s target audience tonight -- the one that counted -- was small, composed of undecided women voters. If they’d wanted the unvarnished Trump, they would have been on his side already. They didn’t get much more tonight. Clinton, by contrast, was knowledgeable on policy matters and handled criticisms about her emails, her characterization of half of Trump’s supporters as “deplorables” and other matters more deftly than Trump dealt with a whole range of questions. It seems unlikely that he will benefit in any meaningful way from tonight’s debate, and it’s very possible she will benefit.

David Lauter (Washington Bureau chief): This debate started with large segments of the Republican Party in full-scale flight from their nominee and polls showing him losing badly in almost every key battleground state. Trump’s only path to win was to somehow reverse that trajectory. That was probably an impossible task. Rather than tackle that challenge, Trump chose to indulge the anger of his most passionate supporters, who despise both Bill and Hillary Clinton. Nothing that happened over the debate’s 90 minutes seems likely to wipe away the multiple problems that have enveloped Trump’s campaign since these two last met on a debate stage; it may have made them worse.

Doyle McManus (Political columnist): After all the predictions of fireworks, this debate dealt with the controversy over Trump’s brags of sexually abusive behavior toward women -- and his retaliatory revival of decades-old charges against Bill Clinton -- early and pretty quickly. What remained, by and large, was a repeat of the first debate: barrages of tough charges by each candidate against the other. But Clinton did a better job of laying out her policies and at arguing that her 30-year record proves that she can get things done. Trump, bent on relentless attacks, rarely remembered to explain his own policies or how he would be more effective. Both candidates appeared to be talking mostly to their existing bases of supporters -- Trump with his now-familiar talking points (many of them factually incorrect), Clinton by mentioning every interest in the Democratic coalition (climate change, gun control, LGBT rights). Bottom line: This wasn’t a game-changer -- which means it was a victory for Clinton. She’s ahead; she doesn’t need the game to change. Trump’s the candidate who needed to alter the direction of the race, and nothing he said or did suggests that he achieved that goal.


Hillary Clinton said she would go high. And then she didn't. 

The Thrill of Watching Hillary Clinton Take Down Donald Trump


Presidential Debate Spin Room: Where The Real Fun Begins

Washington University Presidential Debate: Win, Lose or Draw?

Thought That Debate Was Bad? You Should Have Seen The Spin Room Afterwards 

Clinton, Trump Backers Storm the Spin Room

Here's Who Won The Debate, According To The Internet

Capturing the Frenetic Intensity of a Presidential Debate’s Spin Room

Inside the Chaotic Spin Room After the Presidential Debate

High school debate champs critique the second presidential debate

Google Search: Presidential Debate 2016 Spin Room


Everything that was said at the second Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton debate, highlighted

11 most heated moments in an unprecedented debate

Trump and Clinton Debate: Analysis

Trump hammers Clinton on emails, downplays lewd remarks in raucous 2nd debate

Donald Trump on Sexual Assault Remarks: 'It's Just Words'

Donald Trump's mission: Make Clinton's life hell for the next month

Here’s Who Won The Debate, According To The Internet

High drama on debate night

A dark debate: Trump and Clinton spend 90 minutes on the attack

Trump, Clinton wage scorched-earth debate

Trump disagrees with Pence on Syria, says Aleppo is gone

Presidential debate takes dark tone as candidates attack each other

Trump, Clinton Feud In Second Presidential Debate

Trump's Pledge to 'Jail' Clinton Would Be Unprecedented

Trump, Clinton wage nasty debate

Who’s Ahead in the Presidential Debate? What You’ve Missed

Who Had the Winning Body Language in Sunday’s Debate? 

Presidential debate enters digital age with online questions

Debate quickly turns to Trump tape

Trump convenes meeting of Bill Clinton accusers ahead of debate

The Internet Wants to Know Why Donald Trump Is Sniffling

Donald Trump's Sniffling Continues, Here Now Are The Possible Causes 

'Of course I do. Of course I do': Debate turns to Trump's taxes

Trump looms behind Clinton at the debate

Disgusting Debate Showed Donald Trump at His Ugliest 

Trump's biggest debate lie was calling sexual assault 'locker room talk'

5 things to know about presidential debate moderator Anderson Cooper

That town hall format was the biggest loser of last night’s debate

Here's how much it costs for a university to host a presidential debate


What to watch in the second presidential debate

Trump eyes debate to rescue faltering campaign

For damaged Donald Trump, debate with Hillary Clinton is 'now everything' 

Presidential Debate: Donald Trump Pushes BackAgainst G.O.P. Critics and Focuses on Bill Clinton 

Donald Trump used to make light of Bill Clinton's sex scandals. Now they're his main weapon. 

Donald Trump Just Revealed His Next Debate Strategy

Donald Trump signaled very clearly in his apology video where he’s going now. Yeah, I may have said some awful things, but the Clintons did them: “I’ve said some foolish things, but there’s a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women, and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed, and intimidated his victims. We will discuss this more in the coming days. See you at the debate on Sunday.”


Trump Is More Unpopular Than Clinton Is — And That Matters




Donald Trump just had the Worst Week in Washington. Ever.

The GOP exodus from Donald Trumpcouldn't have come at a worse time

Trump's implosion leaves potential Republican 2020 contenders in a bind

GOP Scrambles to Salvage Election After Donald Trump's Latest Imbroglio

GOP voters want the party to stand by Trump

John McCain abandons his support of Donald Trump

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) joined the cavalcade of Republicans withdrawing their support for GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump in the wake of Friday’s revelation that the businessman and reality TV star discussed aggressive sexual behavior toward women.

McCain, the party’s 2008 presidential nominee, became the most senior Republican so far to abandon Trump amid the biggest political crisis of his presidential candidacy. The party fears that Trump’s toxicity, particularly among female voters, could hurt the entire GOP ballot.

“In addition to my well known differences with Donald Trump on public policy issues, I have raised questions about his character after his comments on Prisoners of War, the Khan Gold Star family, Judge Curiel and earlier inappropriate comments about women. Just this week, he made outrageous statements about the innocent men in the Central Park Five case.” As I said yesterday, there are no excuses for Donald Trump’s offensive and demeaning comments in the just released video; no woman should ever be victimized by this kind of inappropriate behavior. He alone bears the burden of his conduct and alone should suffer the consequences.

“I have wanted to support the candidate our party nominated. He was not my choice, but as a past nominee, I thought it important I respect the fact that Donald Trump won a majority of the delegates by the rules our party set. I thought I owed his supporters that deference.

“But Donald Trump’s behavior this week, concluding with the disclosure of his demeaning comments about women and his boasts about sexual assaults, make it impossible to continue to offer even conditional support for his candidacy. Cindy, with her strong background in human rights and respect for women fully agrees with me in this.

“Cindy and I will not vote for Donald Trump. I have never voted for a Democratic presidential candidate and we will not vote for Hillary Clinton. We will write in the name of some good conservative Republican who is qualified to be President.”


The controversy is likely to hammer Trump's standing among crucial demographics who may decide the election on November 8.

Trump had already busted established standards on rhetoric about women in this campaign, questioning last year after a tough debate whether moderator Megan Kelly was menstruating and having his words that some women were "pigs" and "slobs" thrown back at him by Clinton in the first debate.

But the revelations in the hot mic moment will surely doom any hope the GOP nominee has of improving his standing among women voters, especially highly educated, suburban women in swing states like Colorado and Pennsylvania.
Democrats seek to punish GOP Senate candidates over Trump audio

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine, campaigning in Las Vegas, said Trump's comments "makes me sick to my stomach."

Trump's aides across the country seemed to feel similarly.

Asked about the reaction at a campaign field office, a Trump field staffer told CNN there were "gasps. Collective gasps. We're trying to get our heads around it right now, but there's no way to spin this. There just isn't."

The staffer, who is also paying close attention to Senate efforts, also added, unsolicited: "Just think of the down-ballot effect. Brutal."

A GOP operative in Ohio voiced similar sentiments.

"This is bad. I think this thing is over," the staffer said.


Donald Trump's woman problem just got much, much, much worse

Donald Trump’s Long Record of Degrading Women

Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005 

Why the most outrageous part of Donald Trump's 'hot mic' comments isn't the vulgar language 

Trump bragged on hot mic about being able to grope women

These Might Be Donald Trump's Most Disgusting Comments Yet About Women

Trump caught on tape making crude, sexually aggressive comments about women

Tape Reveals Donald Trump Bragging About Groping Women

Billy Bush was already polarizing. His lewd Donald Trump conversation makes things much worse. 

Stars weigh in on Trump tape about groping women

Republicans race to denounce Trump comments; some pull endorsements 

Lewd Donald Trump Tape Is a Breaking Point for Many in the GOP 

Obama describes Trump as insecure

Woman in leaked Trump tape calls for kindness, respect

A growing list of Republicans call for Trump to step down

Republicans panic, call on Donald Trump to “step down” following leaked audio boasting of groping women 

Prominent Republicans backing away from Trump after comments 

3 big questions Donald Trump will have to answer about this lewd video

There's no longer any way for Republicans to boot Donald Trump from the ballot 


Trump apologizes for bragging that he groped women, but dismisses uproar as a 'distraction' 

Trump issues defiant apology for lewd remarks -- then goes on the attack

Donald Trump Apology Caps Day of Outrage Over Lewd Tape

Trump Vows To Stay In Race After Lewd Remarks Surface

Amid growing calls to drop out, Trump vows to 'never withdraw'


Ryan calls off plans to campaign with Trump; GOP-ers rush to distance themselves 

Donald Trump's timing hits Paul Ryan right where it hurts (again)

Ryan 'sickened' by Trump's lewd comments in video 

Ryan said in statement late Friday that Trump “is no longer attending” the event — a festival in Ryan’s Wisconsin congressional district.

He decried Trump’s newly revealed comments in stark terms.

“I am sickened by what I heard today,” Ryan said. “Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified. I hope Mr. Trump treats this situation with the seriousness it deserves and works to demonstrate to the country that he has greater respect for women than this clip suggests.”

In a short statement issued moments after Ryan’s, Trump said his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, “will be representing me” at the Wisconsin event while he remained in New York to prepare for Sunday’s town hall debate.



The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet

Donald Trump's Slip in Polls Has GOP Worried About Congress

30 former GOP lawmakers sign anti-Trump letter

Against Donald Trump

Donald Trump, the con man

Hillary Clinton says debate showed Donald Trump is indefensible

Trump Sorely Needs a Debate Win


Donald Trump's doubling down on the Central Park Five reflects a bigger problem 



White Nationalist Leader Doubles Down on Support for Donald Trump


Trump and military adviser differ on blaming Russia for hacks


Here's What Donald Trump Really Thinks of America's Scientists


State Attorney General Orders Trump Foundation to Cease Raising Money in New York 

NY AG orders Trump Foundation to cease fundraising

Trump Foundation lacks the certification required for charities that solicit money 


What's making President Obama's approval ratings go up?


71 times Donald Trump and his team criticized Hillary Clinton for not holding a press conference 


WikiLeaks Stirs Up Trouble for Hillary Clinton


Mike Pence and Tim Kaine clash in fiery vice presidential debate

The VP debate: Pence attacks Putin in sharp break from Trump's admiration for the Russian leader

The VP debate: Kaine, Pence get into a bitter dispute over Trump's comments about undocumented Mexican immigrants

Interruptions and clashes at VP debate

VP debate transcript and video: watch live updates from Pence and Kaine’s matchup 

Vice Presidential Debate: Moments That Mattered

Mike Pence Thanked the Wrong University for Their Hospitality at VP Debate 

In vice presidential debate, two portraits of faith-filled lives 

Vice-Presidential Debate: What You Missed

15 Biggest VP Debate Zingers From Tim Kaine and Mike Pence

Fact-checking the vice-presidential debate between Kaine and Pence 

Vice presidential debate - live fact checking

Mike Pence can't believe Tim Kaine would insult Donald Trump by quoting him 

Moderator Quijano did her best to rein in the 'mansplaining' 

Another debate, another biased moderator: Quijano dumps on Trump, Pence 

What's Donald Trump thinking as he watches the vice presidential debate? 

Mike Pence Showed Donald Trump How to Debate

Donald Trump reportedly not happy that Mike Pence is a better debater than he is

Tim Kaine and Mike Pence Clash Sharply Over Their Running Mates

Pence and Kaine in Vice-Presidential Debate

The most important exchanges of the vice presidential debate, annotated

We scored the vice presidential debate and Mike Pence won

This Wasn't a Debate. This Was a National Gaslighting. 

Trump backers realize they've been played as WikiLeaks fails to deliver October surprise 

Under Intense Pressure to Silence Wikileaks, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Proposed Drone Strike on Julian Assange


The New York Times just published some of Donald Trump's 1995 tax records — here's what they reveal

Donald Trump may have avoided paying federal income taxes for 18 years, according to tax records obtained by The New York Times and published on Saturday night.

The documents indicated that Trump declared a $916 million loss in 1995, providing him with a deduction so large it could have eliminated his obligation to legally pay annual federal taxes by up to $50 million for nearly two decades, tax experts told The Times.

Trump has refused calls to release his tax returns, a decades-old tradition every Republican nominee since Richard Nixon has followed.

Trump Tax Records Obtained by The Times Reveal He Could Have Avoided Paying Taxes for Nearly Two Decades

What we know about Donald Trump's income tax history, by year

What IRS Data Shows About How Far Trump Pushed Tax Rules in 1995

The most shocking part of Donald Trump's tax records isn't the $916 million loss everyone's talking about

6 questions about Trump's taxes and the political fallout

Donald Trump Cant Shut Down New York Times Tax Leak Showing He Lost Nearly $1 Billion in 1995

The Six Main Reasons Why the Times Tax Story Could Be Devastating For Trump

Americans don't mind paying taxes. But they want Trump to, also.

Sanders: Trump's taxes prove system rigged

How Trump could avoid taxes for 18 years

When It Comes to Trump's Taxes and Finances, Much Is Unknown

The most kking part of Donald Trump's tax records isn't the $916 million loss everyone's talking about

What IRS Data Shows About How Far Trump Pushed Tax Rules in 1995

How Donald Trump Turned the Tax Code Into a Giant Tax Shelter

9 Times Donald Trump Complained About Taxes

6 questions about Trump's taxes and the political fallout

Trump's tax mystery points toward the dealings around his first bankruptcies 

The New York Times risked legal trouble to publish Donald Trump's tax return 

Trump running out of time as controversies pile up

Donald Trump Digs In Over Taxes, Blames an 'Unfair' System

How Rich Do You Have to Be to Not Pay Taxes? 


In Depth:Donald Trump allies: He is a 'genius' if he avoided paying taxes for 18 years

Trump supporters defend the GOP nominee as a 'genius' with taxes

Tom Prater of Pueblo, Colorado, called Trump's filing "just good business."

"Any business that knows what they are doing does the exact same thing," Prater said before Trump's rally in Pueblo. "You lose, you are allowed to carry that money over to your next business, to your next year… Any business in the world does it."

Joe Golik, an electrical contractor standing nearby, picked up Prater's mantle, calling the Times story and its revelations "an irrelevant thing" that "just doesn't matter."

Golik said there is nothing the candidate could do to lose his support. "He can come out in a tutu and Mickey Mouse ears on, and I will still vote for him," Golik said.


Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist



On the Campaign Trail, Donald Trump Leads in Rallies


Donald Trump's Business Decisions in '80s Nearly Led Him to Ruin

Hillary Clinton, Seizing on Taxes, Says Donald Trump 'Games the System' 

Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump 'contributing nothing to our nation'


Donald Trump's recovery plan: Attack Clinton

When Donald Trump gets in a hole, he just keeps digging. And digging. And digging.


Donald Trump for Dummies
When Republicans express outrage at Donald Trump's racism, they are being disingenuous or self-deluded.

The only way to really understand Donald Trump is to think of him as a Frankenstein creation.

That is Trump the Political Phenomenon. Not necessarily Trump the Person.

He is crude, mean, and lewd. So offensive that we can turn to members of his own party to describe his faults. Senator Lindsey Graham called him a "race baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot".

Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate in 2012, said, "Dishonesty is Trump's hallmark".

Congressman Bob Dold won't support him because he's denigrated war heroes.

Barbara Bush, the wife of one president and the mother of another, said, "I mean, unbelievable. I don't know how women can vote for someone who said what he said about Megyn Kelly, it's terrible."


If Trump thinks debate prep is for chumps, his advisers can’t save him from himself

These must be trying days for those in Trump’s campaign. They can craft a broad message about change vs. status quo and about the Clintons as the embodiment of the kind of cozy insider environment of Washington that so many Americans dislike.

Republicans can try to build a superstructure around the candidate. His advisers can give him scripts and a teleprompter. They can pump emails raising questions about Clinton’s emails, the Clinton Foundation and its benefactors, and Clinton’s foreign policy record. The Republican National Committee can organize an effective ground operation.

In the end, they are all hostage to a candidate who can undo all their good work with one middle-of-the-night tweet, a candidate who has the capacity to turn a brief sideshow into a debilitating, days-long story, who cannot resist dwelling on petty grievances and who, when it mattered most, did not rise to the moment.

Trump's bad week is a 'nightmare' for the GOP

They gave to Trump's GOP rivals. Now 95% are sitting out the general election

Donald Trump Definitely Wants to Be President. Right?


USA Today's Editorial Board: Trump is 'unfit for the presidency'

USA Today breaks non-endorsement tradition

“This year, the choice isn’t between two capable major party nominees who happen to have significant ideological differences,” the paper’s editorial board wrote, saying that in 34 years it had never felt the need to alter its “no-endorsement policy” until now. “This year, one of the candidates — Republican nominee Donald Trump — is, by unanimous consensus of the Editorial Board, unfit for the presidency.”

The editorial lists eight reasons for its strong rebuke of Trump, including both reasons of temperament and character and some of policy. Among those reasons are the fact that Trump is “erratic,” “traffics in prejudice” and is a “serial liar.” They note that his business record isn’t as sterling as Trump himself suggests, and that the racial tensions he’s stirred—they wrote that he has “coarsened the national dialogue”—will be lasting.

“Trump has demonstrated repeatedly that he lacks the temperament, knowledge, steadiness and honesty that America needs from its presidents,” the editorial board wrote.

The paper made it clear its editorial should not be taken as “unqualified support” for Clinton, urging voters to either back her, choose a third-party candidate, write in another name or focus their votes solely on down-ballot candidates.

“Whatever you do, however, resist the siren song of a dangerous demagogue,” they write. “By all means vote, just not for Donald Trump.”


Republican-leaning papers endorse Clinton; what will the Wall Street Journal do?


Donald Trump Is Seen as Helping Push Asian-Americans Into Democratic Arms


Donald Trump cited as risk as Mexico raises interest rates


Trump has a challenge with white women: 'You just want to smack him'


Donald Trump: Military suicides happen to servicemembers who 'can't handle it'

'Where in the hell is he from?': Biden rips Donald Trump's 'completely uninformed' outreach to veterans 


Hillary Clinton Trolls Donald Trump With 3 AM Tweets


Donald Trump's appeal was just perfectly summed up by Chris Matthews

A lot of this support for Trump, with all his flaws which he displays regularly, is about the country — patriotic feelings people have, they feel like the country has been let down. Our elite leaders on issues like immigration, they don't regulate any immigration it seems. They don't regulate trade to our advantage, to the working man or working woman's advantage. They take us into stupid wars. Their kids don't fight but our kids do.

It's patriotic. They believe in their country. .... [There is a] deep sense that the country is being taken away and betrayed. I think that is so deep with people that they're looking at a guy who's flawed as hell like Trump  and at least it's a way of saying I am really angry about the way the elite has treated my country. And it's so deep that it overwhelms all the bad stuff from Trump. It's that strong. It's a strong force wind.


As America Sleeps, Donald Trump Seethes on Twitter

The tweets started around 3:20 a.m. on Friday. Inside Trump Tower, a restless figure stirred in the predawn darkness, nursing his grievances and grabbing a device that often lands him in hot water.

On his Android phone, Donald J. Trump began to tap out bursts of digital fury: He mocked Alicia Machado, a former Miss Universe and a popular Latin American actress, as a “con,” the “worst” and “disgusting.”

In a final flourish, before the sun came up, the Republican presidential nominee claimed — without offering any evidence — that she had appeared in a “sex tape.”

The tirade fit a pattern. It is when Mr. Trump is alone with his thoughts, and untethered from his campaign staff, that he has seemed to commit his most self-destructive acts.

“There has always been this dangerous part of him that will go too far and do something that backfires,” said Michael D’Antonio, the author of “The Truth About Trump,” a new biography of the real estate mogul.

“His worst impulses,” he added, “are self-defeating.”


Report: Trump violated law by doing business in Cuba

New Bombshell Report Shows Trump Had Illegal Business Ties With Communist Cuba

Trump Accused of Violating US embargo on Cuba

Report That Donald Trump Did Business in Cuba Ups the Ante in Florida


This is the single most remarkable thing I have read about Donald Trump in a very long time

What I think is going on here is that Trump has prided himself on unpredictability and a seat-of-the-pants approach throughout his adult life. He proudly recounts how he would turn up to work every morning with no definite plan for the day — preferring to just let things come to him and react. He has total and complete confidence in his instincts and, at some subconscious level, believes that preparation dulls those instincts.

The problem for Trump is that a presidential general election campaign isn't analogous to anything else he's done in his life. You can't wing it in a debate in front of 80 million people against someone who has spent virtually her entire life preparing for this one moment. You can't ignore the advice of people brought in to give you advice because you are convinced you know better. In short, you have to pay attention.

That Trump couldn't bring himself to do that in a moment of such critical import as the debate on Monday night is the only evidence you need of something I have been saying for a while now: There is no other Donald Trump. No new leaf. No pivot. No 2.0. This is it — take it or leave it. Trump is absolutely convinced that who he is — before he reads a single policy paper or briefing book or participates in a single mock debate — is good enough to win. That's the most risky bet he's ever made.


The Latest: Trump urges supporters to monitor polling places

Trump says he may not accept result if Clinton wins, in reversal from debate

Are US elections 'rigged?' Here's how to help voters believe that they're not.


New Debate Strategy for Donald Trump: Practice, Practice, Practice

Campaign advisers to Donald J. Trump, concerned that his focus and objectives had dissolved during the first presidential debate on Monday, plan to more rigorously prepare him for his next face-off with Hillary Clinton by drilling the Republican nominee on crucial answers, facts and counterattacks, and by coaching him on ways to whack Mrs. Clinton on issues even if he is not asked about them.

Whether he is open to practicing meticulously is a major concern, however, according to some of these advisers and others close to Mr. Trump.

Donald Trump ready to release his inner warrior at next debate

Donald Trump quintuples down

Trump on Clinton: 'I can be nastier than she ever can be'

Donald Trump says he'll make President Bill Clinton's infidelity a campaign issue

Trump Now Hints He May Not Accept Clinton Victory: “We’re Going to See”

Donald Trump weighs post-election options if he loses


The Real Problem with Donald Trump

Obviously there was something cheering and even comforting in the reality that Trump had “lost.” But there was something disturbing in seeing Trump once again being normalized by being made part of an ordinary contest in coherence and “presentation” and “preparation.” In truth, that was the least of it, because what was really outside any norm of decency was what he thought even after you had dutifully distilled away the incoherence and the manic improvisations.


'That's Called Business, by the Way'

During the 20th century up until the 1980s, it was common for business leaders to see the purpose of their endeavors as including contributing to the public good. Corporate mission statements of this era often contained objectives such as providing good jobs for people and a responsibility to “the communities in which we live and ... the world community as well,” as Johnson & Johnson’s did in 1943. It is only in recent years that corporations have pursued a singular aim above all else: to bring returns to shareholders, even when doing so comes at the expense of jobs or investing in research.

Trump is emblematic of the values of this particular variety of capitalism, prizing profits over any social purpose. This has made him incredibly wealthy, he says. Lucky Donald. Now he has ridden that wave to the presidential debate stage, whatever the wreckage of human lives left in his wake. But all is justified under the mantle of “business,” in Trump’s telling; greed and cruelty are fine—in his estimation, often brilliant, I suspect—in the name of profit.

This is a contested view, to say the least. There are, in the pages of history and in the news, countless examples of business and political leaders who have sought to reform markets and the economy in service of some higher purpose. But Trump isn’t interested, and dismissing his erstwhile hope for economic catastrophe with a quick “that’s called business” line is to fail to engage in the question of what business is or what it could be, to assume that no other way is possible.


The Daily 202: Trump stumbles into Clinton's trap by feuding with Latina beauty queen

The Big Idea: It might be Hillary Clinton’s most cunning move since the start of the general election. The Democratic nominee set a trap for Donald Trump in the final minutes of the first debate, and he walked right into it.

The GOP nominee’s decision to take the bait and rehash his past attacks of a former Miss Universe for gaining too much weight is now dominating the conversation. And the controversy is helping the Clinton campaign galvanize Latinos and prevent undecided women from moving toward Trump.

Is Trump feud with beauty queen helping Clinton?

Donald Trump’s Long Pattern of Attacking Women’s Sex Lives

Analysis: Donald Trump's Double Standard for Women

Donald Trump’s 3 a.m. moment

Clinton mocks Trump for ‘unhinged’ early morning Twitter ‘meltdown

Hey, Donald Trump: As long as we’re asking people to apologize for stuff …

Before 6 am, Donald Trump proved Hillary Clinton's point about his temperament

Why Donald Trump tweets late at night (and very early in the morning)

Sex Tapes Didnt Used to Disgust Donald Trump

Newt Gingrich chastises Donald Trump over Miss Universe tweetstorm


The Trump Mosh Pit

It’s past time that we all come to grips with the reality that the Trump candidacy has been carried forward to this unlikely moment by forces in the American population that transcend normal presidential politics. These are essentially the same forces that carried the equally improbable Bernie Sanders to 22 primary victories.

I’ve always found the Sanders phenomenon more interesting, because unlike the well-known reality TV host and brand manager, Sen. Sanders was a 74-year-old Vermont socialist with zero visibility. That this nobody contended with a woman whose political immensity scared off a sitting vice president means that some deep currents are roiling the American electorate.

An agog media class—I was certainly agog—has identified that “something” as anger, frustration, white rage or PC backlash. Call it whatever you want. It’s real, and I don’t think Monday night’s debate killed it. Which is why I don’t think Donald Trump “lost” the debate.

This week’s media meme—that Hillary Clinton wiped the floor with Mr. Trump—is undervaluing the realities of this unusual election.


Hillary Clinton was clearly victorious, but only one candidate did enough to win new voters during the presidential debate

Trump is a political neophyte in every sense. Time and again he has proved he’d need a basic civics lesson before taking the oath of office. And yet, Clinton argued his vague ideas on their merits, comparing their tax plans and preferring instead to spend time painting him as a sexist, a liar and a fraud.

Those are all the reasons people have already decided not to vote for Trump. For undecideds, his lack of readiness is what will scare them her way. She flicked at this theme a couple times, but not nearly as effectively as she should have.

Clinton unequivocally gave the better performance. But while we’re all abuzz over Trump’s mistakes and outbursts, cut through the noise and you’ll realize only one candidate likely did what he needed to, which is win new voters.


Day after debate, Clinton gloats and Trump fumes

As soon as the first debate of the 2016 presidential election was over, both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were quick to claim victory. But by the next morning, one of them had become far less cheerful. Just hours after Clinton and Trump clashed on stage at Hofstra University in one of the most highly anticipated political events in modern history, the two presidential nominees took markedly different tones as they reflected on the previous night's debate.

The Morning After the Debate, Donald Trump Goes on the Attack

At Florida rally, Trump resumes attacking 'Crooked Hillary Clinton'

Trump Was Apparently Right About the Debate Microphone

It turns out Donald Trump was right about his defective microphone. Vindication?


Donald Trump Proved to Be No Ronald Reagan

The Daily 202: Why even Republicans think Clinton won the first debate

Who Got What They Wanted From The First Clinton-Trump Debate?

Like 2016 campaign, first debate defies convention

Diligent Hillary Clinton Upstages Donald Trump at Crucial Moment

A win for Hillary Clinton

US election: Who won the first debate?

Donald Trump’s Sniffling, Humbling Debate Debacle

Trump says he may hit 'harder' in next debate; Clinton hammers back with web spot

Donald Trump, a Failed Bully in His Debate with Clinton

6 takeaways from the first presidential debate

Why Donald Trump Should Not Be PresidentNew York Times

Why the Donald Trump who appeared on stage Monday can't win

The answer that best exemplifies how badly Donald Trump was out of his depth in the debate

Trump flinched under Clinton’s criticism, but this race is not over

Our experts kept score: How Clinton beat Trump, round-by-round

Commentary: Clinton won, Trump lost -- and here's what comes next

Live Blog, Fact-Checked: The First 2016 Presidential Debate (September 26, 2016)

Howard Dean has a theory about why Donald Trump sniffled 37 times during the debate

Did Trump Call Global Warming a Chinese Hoax? (Yes. And Tonight He Lied About It.)

The winner of last night’s debate? Lester Holt.

Trump threatens to 'hit her harder' at next debate, as surrogates rip moderator

This Is How Poorly Trump Communicates

The Best Memes From the First Presidential Debate

Analysis: Hillary Clinton's Studies for Debate With Donald Trump Pay Off

Online Votes Declare Trump Debate Winner, Despite Media Consensus For Clinton


How to Beat Trump in a Debate

What Clinton needs to remember is that there’s no pressure here. Only some 100 million people will be watching, and the only thing she could blow is the presidential election. If she loses the election, no big deal. America will just be turning control of the world over to a lunatic, ending liberal democracy’s solid post-war run at seven decades. She might faint or make one tremendous, highly replayable gaffe. But again, the only consequence there would be the end of the West. It’s fine. It’s fine. Everything’s fine.


Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?

Hey, Lester Holt: We Made a Cheat Sheet of Trump’s Favorite Lies for You

Clinton Campaign: Trump Cannot Pass Debate Test If He Repeats These Debunked Lies

Trump vs. Clinton: A debate fact-check cheat sheet

A Week of Whoppers From Donald Trump

Trump’s week reveals bleak view, dubious statements in ‘alternative universe

Introducing a New Series: Trump and the Truth

In recent weeks, reporters and the fact-checking department at The New Yorker have put their efforts into a series of reported essays about Trump and lying. No one here is suggesting that Trump is the only politician ever to unleash a whopper. In fact, Hillary Clinton has had her bald-faced moments—moments that are too kindly described as “lawyerly.” But, in the scale and in the depth of his lying, Donald Trump is in another category; this effort, begins with Eyal Press’s essay on Trump and immigration and will continue every week through the election, is by way of keeping track of a record that appears to know no bounds, and certainly no shame.


Hillary Clinton for President

New York Times editorial board endorses Clinton for president


A huge moment for Clinton and Trump at first of three debates

Twelve Debate Questions That Hillary Clinton Should Be Ready For

Why the debate expectations game is a farce

Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton Finally Face Off, With Democracy Itself at Stake

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Take Different Approaches to First Debate Prep

Trump's debate strategy: Let Clinton talk

What Clinton and Trump must worry about in the first debate

What Clinton, Trump need to do to win "epic" debate

How Both Sides Are Framing the Debate

Hillary Clinton prepares for ‘reality show’ debates

Defeating Trump Will Take More Than An Electoral Victory


Hillary Clinton would make a sober, smart and pragmatic president. Donald Trump would be a catastrophe.

The Progressive Case for Hillary Clinton Is Pretty Overwhelming


Ted Cruz endorses Donald Trump

Ted Cruz won't say whether Trump is 'fit to be president


Here's our best guess for why 2016's polling pattern has been boom-and-bust


No Fortune 100 CEOs Back Republican Donald Trump

Donald Trump is doing a very smart thing today on the Supreme Court

Donald Trump Is a 1960s Technology Critic’s Worst Nightmare

The Many Times Donald Trump Has Lied About His Mob Connections

The Model for Donald Trump’s Media Relations Is Joseph McCarthy

Where does Donald Trump stand?

Donald Trump Doesn't Believe in the Constitution

This is why Donald Trump's tax returns haven't been leaked

Donald Trump loves him some big government


How Donald Trump Hacked the Politics of Foreign Policy

Bob Gates: Donald Trump “unfit to be commander-in-chief”

Foreign-policy experts grow more hostile to Trump as North Korea tests missiles

It's not clear that Donald Trump understands the relationship between the president and the military

Sizing Up the Next Commander-in-Chief
Neither candidate has seriously addressed how he or she thinks about the military or the use of force.

“I worked for some very different presidents,” Gates, who has served in eight different administrations, said in May. “Each one of those presidents, as strong-minded as each of them was, understood he did not have all the answers, and surrounded himself with experienced, thoughtful people who would give good advice, and they were willing to listen. They would often make their own independent judgments. They often would act contrary to the advice they were receiving. But, nonetheless, they only acted after they had listened to different points of view and then had the opportunity to make up their mind.”

Trump, Gates said, “seems to think that he has all the answers and that he doesn’t need any advice from staff or anybody else, and that he knows more about these things than anybody else, and doesn’t really feel the need to surround himself with informed advisers.”


Clinton, Trump meet world leaders for very different reasons

While the stakes are high for both candidates, there is likely more on the line for Trump who, as a foreign policy novice, is still looking to prove his chops before the first presidential debate next Monday.

Trump used the meetings to try to convince voters that despite his often explosive personality he is qualified to serve as commander in chief. The key for the blunt businessman is the visuals of the meeting, hoping that voters see a president as they observe him with a world leader.

"I will say that with all the folks being in New York, I've had a lot of calls from a lot of different people on the basis that I'm doing well and, you know, they seem to think it's important to maybe meet," Trump said Monday on Fox News. "I don't want to comment specifically on who but a couple of people are coming over."

He later said, "I've already met with a couple," but refused to say which ones.


Five takeaways from Clinton and Trump's big money month


Donald Trump Jr. steps in it again (and again)

Donald Trump Jr.'s defense of his Skittles tweet still doesn't make sense


Donald Trump's campaign manager has no clue what a press conference is

Local Trump Ohio Campaign Chair: "I Don’t Think There Was Any Racism Until Obama Got Elected"


The People Behind The Apprentice Owe America the Truth About Donald Trump


Terrorism Doesn't Help Trump. Just Look at the Polls.

How chaos helps Donald Trump

Donald Trump doesn't see much downside in defaulting to an assumption of terrorism

Donald Trump’s tough-on-terrorism appeal isn’t all it’s cracked up to be


'There's nothing like doing things with other people's money,' Donald Trump says

Donald Trump’s tax plan now favors the ultra-rich even more

Analysis: Trump Tax Plan Would Cost Trillions, Boost Incomes For The Rich

How Would a President Trump Manage His Business Empire?

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks


Trump Foundation lacks the certification required for charities that solicit money

The Trump Foundation Can’t Even Legally Solicit Donations!

An Uncharitable Foundation

Trump used $258000 from his charity to settle legal problems

Trump's campaign says he's given 'tens of millions' to charity, but offers no details and no proof

Donald Trump's surprisingly shady charitable foundation, explained


Trump again raises specter of violence against Clinton

And for the second time in the presidential campaign, Trump is again raising the specter of violence against Clinton, this time joking about disarming her Secret Service agents.

CBS News correspondent Errol Barnett reports that after enjoying a rise in the polls and a week in which he stuck mostly to the script, it seems Trump is back to the flash-bang style of politics his supporters have come to enjoy.

But there was blowback on Saturday after the Republican nominee made another ad-libbed reference to violence and reignited controversy with a popular sitting president.

Trump: "Let's see what happens" if Clinton's guards drop guns

“I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm,” Trump said during a rally in Miami on Friday night.

Trump seemed to turn gun control into a threat against Clinton.

“Take their guns away,” Trump said. “She doesn’t want guns. Take their, let’s see what happens to her.”

Donald Trump Again Alludes to Violence Against Hillary Clinton

Trump shifts on Cuba, says he would reverse Obama's deal


Donald Trump's Takeover of the Republican Party Is Complete

Donald Trump's 'birther' game

Donald Trump's surreal Friday, from press row

Trump finally admits it: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States'

Donald Trump: "Obama was born in the United States. Period."

After Trump's reversal, prominent birthers want to move on

Trump campaign, but not Trump, says Obama was born in the US

Trump bullish as poll numbers rise, won't say Obama was born in United States

Hillary Clinton slams Trump over latest Obama "birther" comments

Trump Campaign Statement

Wikipedia: Barack Obama Citizenship Conspiracy Theories


Voters Are Rejecting Both Major Party Presidential Candidates Far More Than In 2012


Sure, Trump has the momentum. But his prospects for 270 electoral votes are dim.

Karl Rove: Electoral map still favors Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump


Sources: Bush 41 says he will vote for Clinton

George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary

George HW Bush 'to vote for Clinton'


Band’s Anti-Hillary Song Sets Internet On FIRE… Goes Viral Overnight

Stand Up and Say So


Top Takeaways From Presidential Candidates’ Views on Science


Emmys: 11 of John Oliver's Most Memorable Donald Trump Insults


Donald Trump's interview with Dr. Oz was just as amazingly strange as we thought it would be


Bill Clinton's terrorism strategy led to 9/11. Hillary Clinton's is the exact same thing.

Why ISIS Supports Donald Trump


Obama Condemns Trump in Full-Throated Pitch for Clinton

Obama's enthusiastic pitch for Clinton: "This is not me going through the motions"

Reports: Colin Powell calls Donald Trump a 'national disgrace' in hacked emails

Powell: Trump is 'an international pariah'

Obama paints Trump as no friend of the working class


Clinton campaign releases doctor's letter describing 'mild' pneumonia

Clinton's impulse to 'power through' with pneumonia set off cascade of problems

Yeah, Hillary Has Pneumonia, But Trump Is Still A Deranged Threat To America

Hillary Clinton Is Set Back by Decision to Keep Illness Secret

What we know about Hillary Clinton's health

How to Replace a Presidential Nominee Who Gets Sick

Hillary Clinton's Doctor Says Pneumonia Led to Abrupt Exit From 9/11 Event

Clinton falls ill during 9/11 memorial service in New York

The Latest: Clinton at home after leaving 9/11 event early

Hillary Clinton’s Body Double: Why the Conspiracy Theories About Teresa. Barnwell are False

Caught on video: The moment Hillary Clinton collapses as she is helped into her van after being rushed from 9/11 memorial - but her aides try to explain it away as 'overheating'


Clinton: Half of Trump supporters are in 'basket of deplorables'

Hillary Clinton told an 
ence of donors Friday night that half of Donald Trump's supporters fall into "the basket of deplorables," meaning people who are racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic.

In an effort to explain the support behind Trump, Clinton went on to describe the rest of Trump supporters as people who are looking for change in any form because of economic anxiety and urged her supporters to empathize with them.

"To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables," Clinton said. "Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it."

Meet Donald Trump's 'basket of deplorables'

Did Hillary Clinton just make her own '47 percent' gaffe?

Trump camp demands apology for Clinton's 'basket of deplorables' remark

Clinton's campaign has hardly disguised its strategy of associating Trump with the far-right elements of his base and reminding voters of his most incendiary remarks, hoping to arrest any further improvement in his numbers.

“You know,” Clinton said at the LGBT event, “to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.”

“Right?” Clinton said as the crowd laughed and applauded.

“The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic -- you name it,” Clinton continued.

“And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people -- now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric.”

The Democratic nominee then sought to draw a distinction between the two halves of the “basket.”

“Now, some of those folks -- they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America. But the other basket,” she said, “are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they're just desperate for change.”

These Trump supporters, Clinton said, “don't buy everything he says,” but “hold out some hope that their lives will be different” with him as president. “They won't wake up and see their jobs disappear, lose a kid to heroin, feel like they're in a dead end. Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well.”


The Proud Ignorance of Donald Trump

Lauer was noticeably easier on Trump, lobbing open-ended questions to the Republican nominee and giving him time to speak without interruption. But even with the advantage of softer treatment, Trump still struggled to recite anything beyond platitudes and, in the case of foreign policy, made a troubling call for plunder.

If preparation is a measure of seriousness, then Donald Trump isn’t especially serious about this election. Or at least not serious enough to learn the details of his only policies, or even craft policies to begin with. Trump carries himself with a proud ignorance, and that ignorance is a sign of contempt: contempt for the process, contempt for the job, and contempt for the people who believe in Trump and his message.

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Clash on National Security Issues

Trump attacks US foreign policy, political press corps on state-owned Russian television network

Matt Lauer's Trump Failure Is a Symptom of a Larger Problem

Matt Lauer Loses the War in a Battle Between the Candidates

Donald Trump accidentally declares himself ineligible for the presidency

Clinton on Trump: 'Everything is a game' to him

"It is a game to him. Everything is a game. It is like he is living in his own celebrity reality TV program," Clinton said at a campaign rally in Charlotte Thursday afternoon. "You know what Donald, this is real reality, this is real people, these are real decisions that have to be made for our country."


The Daily 202: Debate moderators get advice on how to avoid clashing with Trump and becoming the story

How To Correct Donald Trump In Real Time

Dr. Keith Ablow: Hillary Clinton -- Inside the mind of a shameless liar

Hillary Clinton Practiced Her Deadpan While Getting Grilled by Zach Galifianakis on Between Two Ferns

Donald Trump will stop blacklisting media outlets

Unpacking Donald Trump's history with this fall's debate moderators

Donald Trump wanted to 'seewho the moderators are.' Now that he has, will he debate?

Debate moderators announced for presidential debates

CBS News' Elaine Quijano to moderate vice presidential debate

How Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Are Prepping for Debates

'I don't know which Donald Trump will show up,' Clinton says of debating Trump

Inside debate prep: Clinton's careful case vs. Trump's 'WrestleMania'

The Daily 202: Clinton's struggle to find a Trump stand-in underscores difficulties of debate prep

Wikipedia: United States Presidential Election Debates


Why Hillary Clinton's perceived corruption seems to echo louder than Donald Trump's actual corruption.

How Donald Trump could win

How Hillary Clinton could win

HuffPost Pollster: Donald Trump Could Be Gaining In Key Swing States

Trump cuts into Clinton's lead as crucial stretch begins

Never forget: The 2016 presidential election is supposed to be one that Republicans can win

What if: Hacks, email leaks could sway election weeks away


The Cowardice of Donald Trump

Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump 'Did Choke' in Meeting with Mexican President


Only nut cases want to be president. This was true even in high school. Only clearly disturbed people ran for class president ~ Kurt Vonnegut

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it ~ George Bernard Shaw

The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth ~ George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

Beware those who want to lead you ~ Yaj Ekim


Wikipedia: Donald Trump

Wikipedia: Donald Trump Presidential Campaign, 2016,_2016

Wikipedia: List of Donald Trump presidential campaign endorsements, 2016,_2016

Wikipedia: Endorsements for the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2016,_2016


BrainyQuote: Donald Trump

Youtube: Donald Trump


25 Pics of Donald Trump As You’ve Never Seen Him Before


Google Images: Cartoons of Donald Trump

Google Images: Caricatures of Donald Trump


Trump's liar-in-chief: Since joining his staff, Kellyanne Conway has been living in a world of make believe

Donald Trump Earns Backing of Nearly 90 Military Figures

The Daily 202: White Catholics struggle to get on board the Trump train

Several Hispanic Trump surrogates reconsider support

Sanders stumps for Clinton, slams Trump in NH


Clinton: Trump campaign built on 'prejudice and paranoia'

Hillary Clinton issued a blistering takedown of Donald Trump Thursday, accusing him of racism and arguing that "fringe" elements have taken over the Republican Party.

"From the start, Donald Trump has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia," Clinton said at a campaign rally here. "He's taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the Republican Party. His disregard for the values that make our country great is profoundly dangerous."

She added, "This is what I want to make clear today: A man with a long history of racial discrimination, who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far reaches of the Internet, should never run our government or command our military. Ask yourself: If he doesn't respect all Americans, how can he serve all Americans?"

Hillary’s Lifeboat to the GOP

Wolfowitz: I May Vote For Hillary Clinton


Mika Brzezinski Thinks Donald Trump Has Serious Mental Health Issues


Has Donald Trump Permanently Altered The Republican Party's DNA?

The Alt-Right Will Rise or Fall With Donald Trump

The disturbing dawn of the alt-right: Donald Trump's the leader of a dark movement in America

Politics|Hillary Clinton Denounces the 'Alt-Right,' and the Alt-Right Is Thrilled

Kaine: Trump 'pushing' KKK values

How Donald Trump Won Over Europe's Right-Wing Xenophobes

Wikipedia: Alt-Right

Wikipedia: Tea Party Movement

Wikipedia: Republican In Name Only (RINO)

Wikipedia: Conservatism in the United States

Wikipedia: Political Culture of the United States


Donald Trump broke the conservative media

John Ziegler, a nationally syndicated conservative talk show host, said he wanted to see the entire system torpedoed and rebuilt.

“I think the conservative media is the worst thing that has ever happened to the Republican Party on a national level,” he opined.

“Take a look at — now this is not Rush's fault. But if you look at the presidential elections before Rush Limbaugh became nationally syndicated, I believe Republicans won five out of six,” he said. “After Rush Limbaugh became truly nationally syndicated ... if you start in 1996 and what I anticipate will happen in 2016, Republicans will have lost five of the seven presidential elections, once he became syndicated.”

Ziegler said that if there is no price to pay for Trump’s most enthusiastic backers in the conservative press, then “it’s over.”

“The conservative establishment that needs to be gotten rid of is the conservative media establishment. Sean Hannity needs to go. Bill O'Reilly needs to go. Sadly, Rush Limbaugh needs to go,” he said.

The talk show host concluded: “Here's what I'll be very disappointed in. If Trump does lose, as I am very confident that he will, and let's say it's not super close, if he loses by a significant margin and Sean Hannity and people like him have not experienced some significant career pain, if not destruction because of their role, then it's over. It is over. Because if there is no price to pay for conservative media elements having sold out to Donald Trump, then guess what? It's going to happen again and again and again. ... If that doesn't happen, then I think we're done. It's over.”

The Twilight of Fox News

A lot of conservative pundits have hitched their stars to Donald Trump. What if he loses?

The Summer of the Shill
Campaign 2016 won't just have lasting implications for American politics. It's obliterated what was left of our news media

American journalism is collapsing before our eyes

Donald Trump finally did a non-Fox News interview. It didn't go very well.


Tom Dispatch

Tomdispatch is intended to introduce readers to voices and perspectives from elsewhere (even when the elsewhere is here). Its mission is to connect some of the global dots regularly left unconnected by the mainstream media and to offer a clearer sense of how this imperial globe of ours actually works.

Tomgram: Arlie Hochschild, Trumping Environmentalism
Donald Trump in the Bayou: The Tea Party, a Sinkhole in Louisiana, and the Contradictions of American Political Life

Tomgram: Todd Miller, The Great Mexican Wall Deception
No Need to Build The Donald's Wall, It’s Built: Trump’s America Already Exists on the Border

Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, Making Sense of Trump and His National Security State Critics
What Does It Mean When War Hawks Say, “Never Trump”?: The Enemies of My Enemy May Be War Criminals

Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Election From Hell
The Greatest Show on Earth: How Billions of Words, Tweets, Insults, and Polls Blot Out Reality in Campaign 2016

Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, Pseudo-Election 2016
The Decay of American Politics: An Ode to Ike and Adlai


The Poynter Institute'

The Poynter Institute is a global leader in journalism. It is the world’s leading instructor, innovator, convener and resource for anyone who aspires to engage and inform citizens in 21st Century democracies. To that end, we teach those who manage, edit, produce, program, report, write, blog, photograph and design, whether they belong to news organizations or work as independent entrepreneurs. We teach those who teach, as well as students in middle school, high school and college—the journalists of tomorrow. And we teach members of the public, helping them better understand how journalism is produced and how to tell for themselves whether it’s credible.

What journalists are saying about Hillary Clinton's press conference drought

Every Friday until the elections, the Washington Post will flood social media with fact checks

No, we’re not in a ‘post-fact’ era


The Hill

The Hill is a "must read" in print and online. Since its launch in 1994, The Hill has been the newspaper for and about Congress, breaking stories from Capitol Hill, K Street and the White House. The Hill stands alone in delivering solid, nonpartisan reporting on the inner workings of Congress and the nexus of politics and business. The newspaper and its online platform connect the political players, define the issues, and influence the way Washington's decision-makers view the debate. The Hill breaks stories that gain national attention, it profiles lawmakers and aides, and it publishes features on the politics, networking and society of the federal capital.

Clinton confidante: Sanders did 'significant damage'

Mika Brzezinski: Mental health professional should look at Trump

Trump media feud moves from Megyn Kelly to ‘Morning Joe’

Juan Williams: Trump's race politics will destroy GOP


The Upshot|There's a Way to See How Much Donald Trump's Nomination Has Cost the GOP

Democrats Step Up Pursuit of House Republicans Left Limping by Donald Trump

The Senate Is in Play. Is There a Trump Effect?

John McCain is in the fight of his political life in the age of Donald Trump

In Clinton vs. Trump, Who Is Inspired to Vote?


Why Isn’t It a Bigger Deal That Trump Is Being Advised by Sadistic Pervert Roger Ailes?
A vicious misogynist and workplace predator is working with the Republican presidential nominee. This is not normal.

Donald Trump finally hires an experienced campaign field operative — but there's a catch

The Trump Campaign Just Hired a Notorious Clinton Antagonist


Trailing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump Turns to Political Gymnastics

Donald Trump's desperate attempt to expand the electoral map is here!

An interactive demonstration of the core problem with Donald Trump's campaign


A record number of Americans now dislike Hillary Clinton


Why a Donald Trump Victory Could Make Climate Catastrophe Inevitable

The US and China just ratified the Paris climate deal — which could be bad news for Donald Trump


The behind-the-scenes skirmishing that resulted in Mexico’s invitation to Trump

How some Mexican and American newspapers led with Trump’s visit to Mexico

Donald Trump's big immigration speech proves it: There is no 'new' Donald Trump

In immigration speech, Donald Trump spurns softened tone and threatens Republican future

What Was So Shocking About Trump's Immigration Speech?

Back From Mexico, Trump Got on Message: Deportation Now, Deportation Tomorrow, Deportation Forever

The Daily 202: Trump triples down on a losing immigration position in Phoenix

Donald Trump Gambles on Immigration but Sends Conflicting Signals

Trump on Immigration: Schrodinger's Candidate

Trump's immigration policy (or what we know about it) in 13 illuminating tweets

Trump to give immigration speech amid major questions

Donald Trump Says He Would Deport 'Criminal Illegal Immigrants' If Elected

Trump's new deportation plan: Do what Obama is doing but 'with a lot more energy'

Trump says government can 'work with' illegal immigrants

In Stunning Reversal, Trump Suggests He'd 'Work With' Immigrants In US Illegally

Hey, Donald Trump: It turns out that immigrants really just want to work

Donald Trump, Wavering on Immigration, Finds Anger in All Corners

Is Donald Trump Reversing His Stance on Immigration?

Donald Trump: 'I'm not flip-flopping' on immigration

Donald Trump 'wrestling' with how — and whether — to deport 11 million people from US

Sarah Palin puts Donald Trump on notice that he'll lose support if he backs down on immigration


What Black People Hear When Donald Trump Asks for Their Vote

Somewhere in the multiverse is a world where black voters have warmed to Donald Trump. It’s not this one. In this world, for blacks to reconsider Trump and the Republican Party, they would have to ignore his birtherism; they would have to ignore the push for voter ID and the attacks on civil rights legislation; they would have to downplay the patronizing “outreach” of conservative voices and Republican politicians. For blacks to reconsider Trump, they would have to act as if they were the dupes of his imagination.

Trump brings message of unity to black church in Detroit

Leaked Script Shows What Advisers Want Donald Trump to Say at Black Church

Donald Trump's understanding of the historical nature of crime is upside down

It's hard to imagine a much worse pitch Donald Trump could have made for the black vote

At the end of four years, I guarantee you, that I will get over 95 percent of the African American vote," he said. "I will produce for the inner cities, and I will produce for the African Americans. The Democrats will not produce, and all they've done is taken advantage of your vote. That's they've done. And once the election's over, they go back to their palaces in Washington, and you know what, they do nothing for you, just remember it ~ Donald Trump

Don Cheadle unleashes Twitter storm on Donald Trump

Don Cheadle Calls Trump a “POS,” Urges Him to “Die in a Grease Fire”

Trump links death of Dwyane Wade's cousin to black vote

Donald Trump's tweet on killing of Dwyane Wade's cousin sparks uproar

Trump pitches black voters: 'What the hell do you have to lose?'

Opinion: Get Ready for the 'Real' Donald Trump

Donald Trump, a 'Rigged' Election and the Politics of Race

The Latest: Trump says minorities will be safer if he wins

Trump's Appeal To Black Voters May Repeat Past Mistakes Of GOP Outreach

Here are the leading Republicans who rushed to defend Donald Trump on race:

Hillary Clinton essentially just called Donald Trump an unrepentant racist

Ben Carson to Donald Trump: Stop Calling Hillary Clinton a Bigot


John Oliver's advice to Donald Trump: “drop out”
“Simply drop out and tell America this entire candidacy was a stunt — a satire designed to expose the flaws in the system. And the thing is you could actually make a fairly decent case for that.”

Michael Moore: Trump Is Self-Sabotaging His Campaign Because He Never Really Wanted the Job in the First Place


In Books on Donald Trump, Consistent Portraits of a High-Decibel Narcissist

In many respects, Mr. Trump’s own quotes and writings provide the most vivid and alarming picture of his values, modus operandi and relentlessly dark outlook focused on revenge. “Be paranoid,” he advises in one book. And in another: “When somebody screws you, screw them back in spades.”

The grim, dystopian view of America, articulated in Mr. Trump’s Republican convention speech, is previewed in his 2015 book, “Crippled America” (republished with the cheerier title of “Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America”), in which he contends that “everyone is eating” America’s lunch. And a similarly nihilistic vision surfaces in other remarks he’s made over the years: “I always get even”; “For the most part, you can’t respect people because most people aren’t worthy of respect”; and: “The world is a horrible place. Lions kill for food, but people kill for sport.”

Once upon a time, such remarks made Mr. Trump perfect fodder for comedians. Though some writers noted that he was already a caricature of a caricature — difficult to parody or satirize — Mr. Trudeau recalled that he provided cartoonists with “an embarrassment of follies.” And the businessman, who seems to live by the conviction that any publicity is good publicity, apparently embraced this celebrity, writing: “My cartoon is real. I am the creator of my own comic book.”

In a 1990 cartoon, Doonesbury characters argued over what they disliked more about Mr. Trump: “the boasting, the piggish consumption” or “the hideous décor of his casinos.” Sadly, the stakes today are infinitely so much huger.


Trump’s campaign shuffle: The problem isn’t who’s working for The Donald — the problem is him

Pulling off a transformation into a general election candidate now requires a disciplined candidate. Has Donald Trump done anything in the last 14 months that would make anyone think he has any discipline? Is there any reason to think he can go for two and a half more months without sending out some of the crazed tweets that bring him the adulation of his biggest supporters? Is there any reason to think he can go until Election Day without insulting an interviewer? Any reason to think his allegedly newfound discipline will see him through three debates against Clinton, who can be a good debater?


Rebecca Gordon, Making Sense of Trump and His National Security State Critics
What Does It Mean When War Hawks Say, “Never Trump”?: The Enemies of My Enemy May Be War Criminals


Clinton Surges Past 270 Electoral Votes in NBC News Battleground Map

Trump whacked by more damaging polls

Donald Trump has a massive Catholic problem

Why does Trump have a Mormon problem?


Republicans Reeling After Investigation Exposes Trump As A Foreign Bank Owned Fraud

The Times investigation provides a possible answer to the question of why Trump wants to be president. As President, Trump would have the power to make direct decisions that would impact his business. Donald Trump could get very rich off of the decisions made by President Trump. The Trump campaign is definitely about an out of control ego who really believes his own self-created superhero status. The President Of The United States is the most famous person in the world, and Donald Trump craves that fame.

Donald Trump is also interested in making more money for himself, and if elected president, Trump use the powers of the office to enrich himself in ways that would make third world dictators envious.

Trump will never release his tax returns because they will confirm that the “Trump empire” is a paper only house of cards built on debt, much of it to the same foreign countries that the Republican nominee promises to get tough on during his campaign speeches.

The GOP nominee is a fraud, and his secrets and no matter how hard he tries to hide them, his secrets are leaking out as the presidential campaign moves forward.


NYT: Trump Companies Are “at Least $650 Million in Debt”

Besides the numbers themselves though, the one thing that the Times analysis makes clear is just how much Trump’s business “remains shrouded in mystery,” a mystery that is unlikely to end soon considering he has refused to publicly release his tax returns. Due to the complex nature of real estate deals, it is often impossible to know just who Trump’s business partners are, “raising the prospect of a president with unknown business ties.” This is more than a bit worrisome considering how, if elected, “Trump would have substantial sway over monetary and tax policy, as well as the power to make appointments that would directly affect his own financial empire.”

In a recent interview, Trump referred to himself as “the king of debt,” words that have been used against him in the campaign trail. Hillary Clinton has repeatedly attacked Trump’s business practices, characterizing them as dangerous for the country. “Just like he shouldn’t have the finger on the button, he shouldn’t have his hands on our economy,” Clinton said in June.

Report: Donald Trump's companies at least $650 million in debt

Donald Trump's companies are 'at least $650m in debt'

Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties

The Latest: Trump aide says tax audit 'a serious matter'

Is Donald Trump actually under audit?

How many Trump products were made overseas? Here’s the complete list.


Analysis: Trump's terrorism speech stretches the truth

Donald Trump gave a speech Monday, ostensibly about combatting radical Islamic terrorism, which contained numerous vaguely-defined proposals, inaccuracies, and misrepresentations of his past viewpoints.  One thing that is certainly predictable when it comes to Donald Trump: The fact checking industry will always be busy.

Breaking down Trump's urgent, confounding plan on terrorism


Money Race Accelerates For Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump

Trump Campaign Sharply Increases Spending on Consultants


In a Post-Sanders Contest, Younger Voters Turn Away From Major Party Candidates


Does Trump still want mass deportations? 'To be determined,' campaign manager says.

Trump campaign manager: A deportation force TBD

It sure sounds like Donald Trump is considering his biggest flip-flop yet


Wikipedia: Kellyanne Conway


2016 Bloomberg Delegate Count Tracker

2016 Delegate Count and Primary Results

Election 2016 — Democratic Delegate Count

Election 2016 — Republican Delegate Count


Which of the 11 American nations do you live in?


Donald Trump (maybe) finally pivots! It (probably) won’t work.

Donald Trump’s best speech of the 2016 campaign, annotated

Donald Trump's Crucial Pillar of Support, White Men, Shows Weakness

Interviews with voters found that Mr. Trump’s increasingly outlandish behavior was rubbing many in his key voting bloc the wrong way. “I liked Trump until he opened his mouth,” said Phil Kinney, a retired middle school administrator and a Republican from Bethlehem, Pa. The recent string of attacks Mr. Trump has unleashed, particularly his criticism of the family of a Muslim soldier killed in Iraq, left Mr. Kinney disappointed. Faced with the choice of voting for Mr. Trump or Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Kinney said he may just stay home.


Paul Manafort Resigns As Head Of Trump Campaign

Paul Manafort Quits Donald Trump's Campaign After Tumultuous Run

Ukrainians saw Paul Manafort's political impact up close – and it wasn't pretty

Wikipedia: Paul Manafort


Donald Trump's shakeup gamble

Will Ritter, a Republican political operative in Virginia who isn't supporting Trump, offered a biting assessment: "Another guy is going to ride the psychotic horse into a burning stable."

Donald Trump's media obsession led him to hire the head of a far-right news site to run his campaign

Trump's campaign changes have GOP donors talking -- but will they write checks?

Trump, speaking after campaign shake-up, expresses regret over causing 'personal pain'

Donald Trump's 27-day spiral: From convention bounce to campaign overhaul

Trump and advisers remain split on how far to move toward the middle

Trump shakes up campaign, demotes top adviser

Trump campaign shake-up

Highly Cited:Donald Trump Turns to Combative Breitbart Executive in Staff Shake-Up

Featured: Why Donald Trump's New Braintrust May Explode

Trump Is So Out Of Control That Republicans Just Hired A Babysitter To Keep Him Calm

The Daily 202: What Trump's latest shakeup says about his flailing campaign

Trump revamps his team and message, but is it too late?

In Steve Bannon, Trump gets a fellow rogue and provocateur

The Radical Anti-Conservatism of Stephen Bannon

New Trump campaign chief faces scrutiny over voter registration, anti-Semitism

Donald Trump campaign CEO's résumé includes Goldman and 'Seinfeld'

Trump shakes up White House campaign team, hires 'street fighter'

Trump's shakeup could inflame campaign tensions

This Man Is the Most Dangerous Political Operative in America

New Donald Trump Campaign CEO Was Accused Of Domestic Violence

Wikipedia: Breitbart News


For which of these two dozen things is Donald Trump finally expressing regret?


Before Trump, Americans hadn't worried this much about nuclear weapons since the Cold War


Donald Trump's response to his shoddy doctor's letter? Call for Clinton to disclose more!

Trump Adds Fuel To Conspiracy Theories Questioning Clinton's Health

Let's Call The Conspiracy Theories About Hillary's Health What They Are

Hillary Clinton's Illness Revealed

Why Is the Trumpish Right Inept at Hardball Politics?


'Trumpism' and the Rift Between Belief and Truth

123 Republican Leaders Urge RNC to Cut Off Funding to Trump

In Depth:Politics: Early Voting Limits Donald Trump's Time to Turn Campaign Around

How Russia Saw Donald Trump's Big Speech On Foreign Policy

The Daily 202: Conservative wonks dismayed by Trump's lack of substance

Donald Trump Is the Gift to Hillary Clinton That Keeps On Giving

Donald Trump Tests Positive for Everything, According to His Own Doctor

Donald Trump Could Still Beat Hillary Clinton, Warns President Barack Obama


In terror talk, Trump sticks to script of criticism with few prescriptive details

Analysis: Making Sense of Donald Trump's Disjointed Foreign Policy Pitch

Trump: Clinton lacks 'stamina' and 'temperament' to be president

Trump's ISIS Speech Campaign Reboot Was Such A Disaster That It Destroyed His Candidacy

Election Day is less than three months away, and Republicans are trying to convince voters that there is a new Trump. However, Donald Trump is clearly not putting any effort into being new Trump.

Just like New Coke, new Trump was a failure.

Trump promised to be America’s greatest champion and reject bigotry and hatred in all forms.

New Donald Trump was not convincing at all.

Trump may have destroyed his candidacy with an apathetic speech that was full of contradictory ideas that the candidate clearly did not want to be giving in the way that he was forced to deliver it.


Team Trump is a disaster: It’s not just the candidate -- his entire staff is ill-equipped for a presidential campaign

Trump has filled out his economic policy team with a long list of wealthy donors and female right-wing cranks.  But there’s really only one serious adviser to Donald Trump as he will tell you himself: “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.”


Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump’s Campaign Chief

Manafort named in Ukrainian probe into millions in secret cash

Ten years ago, Trump’s campaign manager warned of a rigged election — in Ukraine

The Daily 202: Can Trump chairman Paul Manafort survive new Ukraine revelations?

Wikipedia: Paul Manafort


Donald Trump campaign launches attack on media, not Hillary Clinton

"I'm not running against crooked Hillary Clinton," Trump said in Fairfield, Connecticut, on Saturday night. "I'm running against the crooked media."

"If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the words I say, I would be beating Hillary by 20%."


Donald Trump's spokeswoman Katrina Pierson says (incorrectly) that it was Obama who 'went into Afghanistan'

Wikipedia: Katrina Pierson


Inside the Failing Mission to Tame Donald Trump’s Tongue

Advisers who once hoped a Pygmalion-like transformation would refashion a crudely effective political showman into a plausible American president now increasingly concede that Mr. Trump may be beyond coaching. He has ignored their pleas and counsel as his poll numbers have dropped, boasting to friends about the size of his crowds and maintaining that he can read surveys better than the professionals.

In private, Mr. Trump’s mood is often sullen and erratic, his associates say. He veers from barking at members of his staff to grumbling about how he was better off following his own instincts during the primaries and suggesting he should not have heeded their calls for change.

He broods about his souring relationship with the news media, calling Mr. Manafort several times a day to talk about specific stories. Occasionally, Mr. Trump blows off steam in bursts of boyish exuberance: At the end of a fund-raiser on Long Island last week, he playfully buzzed the crowd twice with his helicopter.

But in interviews with more than 20 Republicans who are close to Mr. Trump or in communication with his campaign, many of whom insisted on anonymity to avoid clashing with him, they described their nominee as exhausted, frustrated and still bewildered by fine points of the political process and why his incendiary approach seems to be sputtering.

Trump's Self-Reckoning

Donald Trump’s Campaign Is Struggling. And He’s Blaming Others

Trump Campaign Teeters on the Brink

Like a boxer on the ropes, the Trump campaign has weathered a flurry of body blows over the past few weeks. Is this the beginning of the end, a full three months before election day? Should Donald Trump throw in the towel before the inevitable November knockout?

The latest round of national polls has set off something akin to a mass panic among Republican officeholders and intelligentsia, with some wishing Mr Trump would just quit already and leave them to pick up the pieces.


Donald Trump's tone-deaf embrace of Russia

Trump “fine” with sending US citizens accused of terrorism to Guantanamo


Trump's other polling headache


US Presidential Betting: Donald Trump's comments about ISIS and the Second Amendment have ruined his chances

The Trump debate: What did he mean?

Donald Trump Suggests 'Second Amendment People' Could Act Against Hillary Clinton

GOP squirms amid latest Trump firestorm

Trump’s “Second Amendment People” Joke Was Targeting Gun Owners, Too

Secret Service spoke to Trump campaign about 2nd Amendment comment

Donald Trump tries to walk back claim Obama founded ISIS: 'Sarcasm'

Donald Trump calls Obama 'founder of ISIS'


List: Which Republicans oppose Trump and why?

These Republicans Who Used To Run The EPA Are Terrified Of Trump, Too

"Donald Trump has shown a profound ignorance of science and of the public health issues embodied in our environmental laws," William Ruckelshaus, who served as the EPA administrator under presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, and William Reilly, who served under President George H. W. Bush, said in a joint statement. "He hasn't a clue about Republicans' historic contributions to science-driven environmental policy."


50 Republican National Security Officials Eviscerate Trump In Open Letter

We are convinced that [Trump] would be a dangerous President and would put at risk our country’s national security and well-being,” said the former officials, many of whom held top positions in the George W. Bush administration.

“Most fundamentally, Mr. Trump lacks the character, values, and experience to be President,” they added. “He weakens U.S. moral authority as the leader of the free world. He appears to lack basic knowledge about and belief in the U.S. Constitution, U.S. laws, and U.S. institutions, including religious tolerance, freedom of the press, and an independent judiciary.

A Letter From G.O.P. National Security Officials Opposing Donald Trump

Trump's national security nightmare: now even the neocons are freaking out


Could Republicans lose their majority in the House thanks to Donald Trump? Paul Ryan isn't ruling it out.

Trump tries to reset with economic speech — but faces new resistance in GOP

GOP senator Susan Collins: Why I cannot support Trump

Trump to outline economic plan as he seeks to reverse slide

Republican officials say Trump could lose to Clinton in key battleground states

Two Republican elected officials who have been critical of Donald Trump are voicing serious doubts about the mogul's ability to win their key battleground states of Ohio and Arizona, after the GOP presidential nominee suffered one of the most bruising weeks of his campaign.

In television interviews broadcast Sunday, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Sen. Jeff Flake (Ariz.) said Trump needs to change as a candidate to prevent Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton from claiming their states.

The pessimism echoes similar comments they have made before. But the latest round of skepticism comes after a week in which Trump criticized leading figures in his party and the Muslim American parents of an Army captain killed in Iraq, highlighting the lingering concerns in the Republican Party as public polls show him falling badly behind Clinton.


Poll finds Clinton has widened lead ahead of Trump to 8 points

Feeling safe with Hillary: Yes, Clinton's proving she can protect the country better than a Republican man

The Daily 202: Hillary Clinton’s agenda would flounder in Congress. Here are seven reasons why.


Questioning If An Election Will Be 'Rigged' Strikes At The Heart Of Democracy

Donald Trump is right – election fraud will occur in the Presidential elections

Wikipedia: Voting Rights Act of 1965


Obama takes on Trump with tough talk

It's one more historic barrier President Barack Obama has shattered. His vehement warnings that GOP nominee Donald Trump is temperamentally and intellectually unfit for the Oval Office leave Obama standing apart from almost all of his 43 predecessors in the extent to which he has publicly expressed a hostile attitude to a potential successor.

Buried in Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention last month in Philadelphia was the implicit suggestion that Trump was a "homegrown" demagogue who threatened American values just as fascists, communists and jihadists do.

He reinforced the point on Tuesday at a White House news conference. "I think the Republican nominee is unfit to serve as president. I said so last week, and he keeps on proving it," Obama said, criticizing Trump for lacking knowledge on key questions in Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

On Thursday, Obama questioned whether the billionaire can be trusted with his finger on the button.  "Just listen to what Mr. Trump has to say and make your own judgment with respect to how confident you feel about his ability to manage things like our nuclear triad,"


In endorsing Clinton, ex-CIA chief says Putin made Trump his 'unwitting agent'

I Ran the C.I.A. Now I’m Endorsing Hillary Clinton.

Wikipedia: Michael Morell

Two strongly held beliefs have brought me to this decision. First, Mrs. Clinton is highly qualified to be commander in chief. I trust she will deliver on the most important duty of a president — keeping our nation safe. Second, Donald J. Trump is not only unqualified for the job, but he may well pose a threat to our national security ~ Michael J. Morell, Acting director and deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 2010 to 2013


It's Not Alarmist: Trump and the Republican Party Could Destroy the World


There is something very wrong with Donald Trump


Donald Trump's Many Business Failures, Explained


Donald Trump Might Be In Real Trouble This Time

Trump clearly believes he can right his ship and recover what he has lost in the polls, as quickly as he lost it. But he needs to do this swiftly, because narratives tend to settle in soon after the conventions.

And right now, the prevailing story line has the greater voting public perceiving Trump through the wrong end of its telescope — a figure no longer larger than life but much reduced, and getting smaller every day.


Trump, in series of scathing personal attacks, questions Clinton's mental health

Trump on Clinton: 'She took a short-circuit in the brain'

Why Donald Trump calls Hillary Clinton 'the devil'

A Whole Lot of Millennials See No Difference Between Clinton and Trump


Trump endorses House Speaker Paul Ryan and Sen. John McCain

Paul Ryan 1, Donald Trump 0

Paul Ryan stares down a GOP revolt in his back yard


Donald Trump's new team of billionaire advisers could threaten his populist message

Did Paul Ryan just predict that Clinton will win in a landslide?

Meet the Republican Women Flocking to Hillary Clinton 31

Trump backs off false Iran video claim

Donald Trump Risks Alienating Military Communities in Swing States


As Donald Trump Incites Feuds, Other G.O.P. Candidates Flee His Shadow

GOP reaches 'new level of panic' over Trump's candidacy

GOP's long-simmering civil war breaks into the open

Donald Trump insists his campaign is 'united' and 'doing incredibly well'

Donald Trump's strange campaign gets stranger

Donald Trump goes on the offensive against everyone

Meg Whitman, Calling Donald Trump a 'Demagogue,' Will Support Hillary Clinton for President


Obama: Trump is 'unfit to serve as president'

Obama Says Republicans Should Withdraw Support for Trump

President Obama Just Put Trump-Backing Republicans in an Even Tougher Spot


Donald Trump And The Looming GOP Apocalypse

Is Trump Really a GOP Anomaly?
If he is, why are the denunciations from Republican leaders so soft and mealy-mouthed?

Trump isn't backing Paul Ryan, John McCain

The Daily 202: Paul Ryan's Trump dilemma has gotten much, much worse

Trump Calls Clinton the ‘Devil,’ Says Election ‘Rigged’ in Her Favor

Trump on how women should deal with harassment: It's 'up to the individual'


Ghazala Khan: Trump criticized my silence. He knows nothing about true sacrifice.

When Donald Trump is talking about Islam, he is ignorant. If he studied the real Islam and Koran, all the ideas he gets from terrorists would change, because terrorism is a different religion.  Donald Trump said he has made a lot of sacrifices. He doesn’t know what the word sacrifice means.

While Khan talks peace, Trump tweets against him

Republicans denounce Trump as confrontation with Muslim parents escalates

The Latest: VFW denounces Trump criticism of parents

John McCain condemns Donald Trump over attacks on Khan family

John McCain Denounces Donald Trump’s Comments on Family of Muslim Soldier

“While our party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us.”

“In recent days, Donald Trump disparaged a fallen soldier’s parents,” he wrote of the parents, Khizr and Ghazala Khan. “He has suggested that the likes of their son should not be allowed in the United States — to say nothing of entering its service. I cannot emphasize enough how deeply I disagree with Mr. Trump’s statement. I hope Americans understand that the remarks do not represent the views of our Republican Party, its officers or candidates.”


Donald Trump and the dangers of a strong presidency.

5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win


The Two Conventions

In final 100 days, Clinton and Trump to chart different paths to White House

After Snubs, Trump Claims He Rejected Koch Request to Meet

Trump & Putin. Yes, It's Really a Thing

Is Donald Trump a textbook narcissist?


Michael Bloomberg endorses Clinton, calls Trump a 'dangerous demagogue'

"I believe we need a president who is a problem-solver, not a bomb-thrower," said Bloomberg.

He quipped that unlike Trump, he didn't start his business empire with a "million dollar check from my father."

"Trump has left behind a well-documented record of bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits, angry shareholders and contractors who feel cheated, and disillusioned customers who feel ripped off," Bloomberg said. "Trump says he wants to run the nation like he's run his business. God help us!"

"I am a New Yorker, and I know a con when I see one."

He went on: "The bottom line is: Trump is a risky, reckless, and radical choice. And we can't afford to make that choice!"

Vice President Joe Biden painted Trump as completely unqualified for the presidency.

"He is trying to tell us he cares about the middle class. Give me a break. That's a bunch of malarky," Biden said. "This guy doesn't have a clue about the Middle Class. Not a clue."

The crowd roared with approval, chanting "not a clue."

Biden said Trump was unable to handle the complexities of a dangerous world.

"No major party nominee in the history of this nation has ever known less or has been less prepared to deal with our national security," he said.

The night of the DNC also offered a big opportunity for Tim Kaine, Clinton's vice presidential pick, who introduced himself to an audience unfamiliar with his years as a governor and senator in Virginia.

"I trust Hillary Clinton with our son's life," Kaine said. "You know who I don't trust? Donald Trump."

"You cannot believe one word that comes out of Donald Trump's mouth. Not one word," Kaine said, slamming the GOP nominee as a "slick talking, empty promising, self promoting, one man wrecking crew."


Donald Trump: Sociopath?

Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All

Donald Trump Threatens the Ghostwriter of “The Art of the Deal”


The party’s failure of judgment leaves the nation’s future where it belongs, in the hands of voters. Many Americans do not like either candidate this year . We have criticized the presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, in the past and will do so again when warranted. But we do not believe that she (or the Libertarian and Green party candidates, for that matter) represents a threat to the Constitution. Mr. Trump is a unique and present danger ~ Washington Post Editorial Board

Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy


Michelle Obama Was the Real Star of the Democratic Convention’s First Night

Commentary: Why Republicans should vote for Hillary Clinton

Dismayed by Donald Trump, Michael Bloomberg Will Endorse Hillary Clinton

Tech execs don’t board the Trump train

Trump: "I feel I'm an honest person"

Growth in white poverty fuels Trump’s run: Largely ignoring the trend has consequences


Donald Trump Promised the Truth. We Checked the Facts.

Fact-checking Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the 2016 RNC

4 Things That Trump Got Wrong


Role Models | Hillary Clinton

Google Search: Anti-Trump Videos


Donald Trump’s dark speech to the Republican National Convention, annotated

His Tone Dark, Donald Trump Takes G.O.P. Mantle

Donald Trump accepts Republican presidential nomination

It’s Donald Trump’s Party Now

US election: Donald Trump promises a 'safer' America


You own his politics. You own his policies, even the ones that only last as long as the next contradiction. You own the racial animus that started out as a bug, became a feature and is now the defining characteristic of his campaign. You own every crazy, vile chunk of word vomit that spews from his mouth. You own his racist bleatings about Mexicans and “his” African Americans. You own his digital Hitler Youth alt-reich fanboys with their white-power fantasies and roaring anti-Semitism ~ Rick Wilson, Republlican Strategist

After Judge Curiel, What Will Endorsing Donald Trump Do to GOP Candidates?


141 Things Donald Trump Has Said and Done That Make Him Unfit to Be President

Where Republicans Stand on Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet


Few stand in Trump’s way as he piles up the Four-Pinocchio whoppers

All of Donald Trump’s Four-Pinocchio ratings, in one place


Ted Cruz Humiliates Donald Trump, Refuses to Endorse Him at RNC

For Donald Trump’s Big Speech, an Added Pressure: No Echoes

The Most Damning Speech of the GOP Convention

Republican National Convention: Trump allies slam GOP holdouts hard


How Donald Trump Bought, Squabbled And Sued His Way To Becoming A Force In Florida

Clinton camp was ready to pounce on Trump's VP rollout

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign

A curveball in Trump’s Veep search: He’s seriously considering a retired general

This might be the darkest theory yet about why Donald Trump keeps winning

In the 2016 campaign, Trump can't stop talking about Trump

Think Tankers' Trump Dilemma: Shun Him, Or (Try To) Change Him?

Who Are All These Trump Supporters?
At the candidate’s rallies, a new understanding of America emerges.

The Vast Left-Wing Media Conspiracy to Make Donald Trump Look Like a Bigot

Trump's profitable bigotry: The takeaway from his anti-Semitic tweet — his run is more a grift than a real campaign

Why Are There So Few Conservatives in Academia?

Donald Trump and the Jews, Explained

Donald Trump’s Bill O’Reilly interview is an instant classic

In new poll, support for Trump has plunged, giving Clinton a double-digit lead

Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl

Conservative columnist George Will says he's leaving GOP over Trump

Donald Trump’s bad month just got worse, because Sanders backers just rallied to Clinton

Trump Is More Than Just Politically Incorrect

Trump’s top example of foreign experience: A Scottish golf course losing millions

Clinton casts Trump as dangerous — this time, on the economy

Donald Trump Starts Summer Push With Crippling Money Deficit

The Danger of Trumponomics

Does Terrorism Help Donald Trump?

Donald Trump’s campaign manager is out. Here are the brutal numbers that tell us why.

Corey Lewandowski out as Trump campaign manager

Donald Trump dismisses Republican concerns: 'I can win either way'

Donald Trump doesn't brag about his poll numbers anymore, and no wonder

The Plot to Stop Donald Trump

Trump threatens to go it alone

Donald Trump Is Down-Ballot Republicans' Biggest Risk

GOP senators joining criticism of Trump over disparagement of Muslim soldier's parents

Top Republicans join Obama in condemning Trump's words

What Trump Really Meant When He Said Obama Has 'Something Else In Mind'

Will Donald Trump Turn the GOP Convention into Chicago 1968?

Trump Can’t Win From a TV Studio

Growing fear inside GOP about Trump

Donald Trump’s Speech: What You Missed and Our Fact Checks

The ‘new Trump’ is a no-show

The Daily Trail: Donald Trump says he has no regrets, on a day Paul Ryan might

Trump’s judicial standard “not workable” and would “grind system to a halt”

Hillary Clinton: Trump is too dangerous and unstable to have the nuclear codes

Hillary Clinton: Trump is 'temperamentally unfit' to be president

Do Trump and Clinton Matter?: The Test of Political Polarization

Donald Trump has an easier path to victory than you think

Trump’s Delusions of Competence

Trump’s Strategy Is Backfiring

This is what Donald Trump had to say about climate change

Will Trump vs. Clinton be a nailbiter?

Donald Trump's Plan To Make Americans Poor Again

Key GOP Donors Still Deeply Resist Donald Trump's Candidacy

Mexican Officials Take Steps to Counter ‘the Trump Emergency’

Making the Case Against Donald Trump

Fox News poll: Donald Trump snatches lead from Hillary Clinton

The Case for Panicking
Who cares if it’s just one poll? Donald Trump could be president. Americans should be terrified.

Donald Trump Wins NRA Endorsement
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee gets rousing reception from thousands of gun enthusiasts at convention

Trump's business booms as he runs for president, financial disclosures show

The Path to a Trump Presidency

Donald Trump is setting a new standard for lack of transparency

The map is tough for any Republican. It's completely daunting for Donald Trump.

Trump, Ryan say they are ‘totally committed’ to uniting their party

Fault lines: GOP civil war deepens

Head of the Class
How Donald Trump is winning over the white working class.

Trump spurs some conservative leaders to step back from the GOP

Conservatives worry about direction of party under Trump

Republican Party Unravels Over Donald Trump’s Takeover

Trump, 'Blindsided' by Ryan, Questions Need for Unified Party

It’s Donald Trump’s Party, Not Paul Ryan’s

Donald Trump's Economic Plans Would Destroy the U.S. Economy

Donald Trump’s Feud With Evangelical Leader Reveals Fault Lines

Donald Trump, in Switch, Turns to Republican Party for Fund-Raising Help

Is Donald Trump a Flip-Flopper or a Wily Politician?

Rush Limbaugh admits Republicans have been trolled: “Trump is an internet troll”

Donald Trump is a serial liar. More upsetting is that no one seems to care

Trump and GOP leaders might never be on the same page

The Two Donald Trumps

Disturbing Facts the Trump Campaign is Trying to Suppress

The Putin-Trump kiss being shared around the world

Trump's Indiana win raises unsettling questions for GOP

The 10 Republicans who hate Donald Trump the most


Donald Trump is building a giant, beautiful wall between America and his tax returns

What Is Trump Trying to Hide in His Tax Returns?

Trump's income tax returns once became public. They showed he didn't pay a cent.


American Demagogue

President Obama’s brutal assessment of the rise of Donald Trump


Wikipedia: List of Donald Trump Presidential Campaign Endorsements, 2016,_2016


A Republican Party Playbook to Win in November


Conservatism’s role in the 2016 election is now over while the idiocracy takes it from here ~ Steve Deace, column written for USA

I hope Trumpians get what they want and choke on it: Steve Deace


Lewinsky allegedly freaked out at Clinton’s affair with Mondale’s daughter

Hillary Clinton's Lead Over Donald Trump Narrows

What Democratic Landslide?

The year of the hated: Clinton and Trump, two intensely disliked candidates, begin their face-off

Trump v Clinton on foreign policy

Sanders leaves door open to being Clinton's VP

Superdelegates Risk a Third Political Party if Bernie Sanders Isn’t the Democratic Nominee


It was the terrific leader of India, Gandhi, who said, ‘First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, and then you win.’ Well we won, didn’t we? ~ President Donald Trump

Looking Backward on the Presidency of Donald Trump


The Brawl Begins


World Without Context
Winners and Losers in Our New Media Moment: Donald Trump, Mass Shootings With an Islamic Terrorist Flavor, and the Rise of the "Spectaculection"

Welcome to Panem 2016 (Starring Donald Trump But Not Katniss Everdeen)
The American Hunger Games: The Six Top Republican Candidates Take Economic Policy Into the Wilderness


The Republican Party Needs to Do Some Soul Searching

Here’s Why Donald Trump’s December Poll Numbers Matter

Trump's campaign again turning into 'worst nightmare' for GOP

The Republican Party is now America’s largest hate group

Why Republicans Still Think Donald Trump Can’t Win


Donald Trump Loses Luster When Words Reach the Middle East

World Reaction to Donald Trump’s Proposal Banning Muslims: Befuddlement

'Ban Donald Trump': UK demands grow to use anti-extremism laws to keep out US presidential hopeful

What the World Is Saying About Donald Trump’s Comments About Muslims


The Islamophobe Behind Trump’s Hate

Wikipedia: Frank Gaffney


An Incomplete Catalog of Donald Trump's Never-Ending Fabrications

The Ecstasy of Donald Trump
As the public’s fear and loathing surge, the frontrunner’s durable candidacy has taken a dark turn.

What Trump Supporters Think About Race and Religion


Kasich faces conservative backlash over debate performance

Why John Kasich was the most important person at last night's Republican debate

John Kasich Is So ‘Underrated,’ He’s Overrated

What Exactly Is John Kasich Thinking?

John Kasich Slams Donald Trump’s ‘Silly’ Immigration Policy

Waiting for the Republican Shakeout

5 Ways The Fourth Republican Debate Changed The Presidential Race

Why no one’s dropping out of the GOP presidential race

CNBC did ask substantive questions. That’s why Republicans are mad


Trump’s top example of foreign experience: A Scottish golf course losing millions

Garrison Keillor: The punk who would be president

The brutal numbers behind a very bad month for Donald Trump

Ken Burns to Stanford Grads: Trump Is “an Insult to Our History”

A Way to Feel the G.O.P.’s Pain

GOP to Trump: Stop alienating Latinos

North Korea endorses 'wise' Donald Trump

Clinton Is Still the Favorite

Just A Reminder, Donald Trump Actually Could Win The Election

Donald Trump goes west -- and faces big hurdles


The Daily 202: The presidency is Hillary Clinton's to lose. Here are 12 ways she could lose it.


Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it ~ Terry Pratchett

Wikipedia: Terry Pratchett


Hillary Clinton Cashes In on Donald Trump’s ‘Woman’s Card’

The Official Hillary for America Woman Card

This is what an official Hillary for America “Woman Card” gets you

Deal Us In


Sound of Republican Party Imploding


Charles Koch: Clinton Might Make Better President Than Republican Candidates
Despite their aversion to Trump, the Kochs claim they won’t use any of their billions to block him from winning the nomination.

Koch for Clinton? Not a Chance


New York primary: Trump, Clinton win big in home state

How a Republican contested convention would work

Donald Trump Is Beginning His Exit Strategy

A Chance to Reset the Republican Race

Barron's endorses Kasich for president

Sanders, Trump, and the Rise of the Non-Voters


John Kasich and the Fading Republican Establishment


Money Men Say, Voters Move Over, It’s Not Your Election!

Top Republicans say Donald Trump's real problem is that he's too moderate


Trump’s grammar in speeches ‘just below 6th grade level,’ study finds


In chaotic GOP race, an intense battle for delegates plays out under the radar


Hactivist Group Anonymous Declares ‘Total War’ on Donald Trump

Anonymous Declares Total War on Donald Trump *NEW 2016*


Trump meets The Honeymooners

Youtube Search: Donald Trump

Youtube Search: Donald Trump Funniest Moments


We Want The Truth

Youtube Search: Pat Condell


Bloomberg Delegate Tracker



Democratic Party Presidential Primaries, 2016,_2016

California Democratic primary, 2016,_2016

Results of the Democratic Party Presidential Primaries, 2016,_2016


The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth ~ George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

The Age of Facts Is Over

Wikipedia: Nineteen Eighty-Four

Wikipedia: Animal Farm

Goodreads Quotes: George Orwell

Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me ~ George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four